Christmas baking

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Author's note:
I don't know wether this counts as explicit. So if you think it does, feel free to flag it.

I was stoking the fire beneath the oven when Sebastian entered the cottage with a tray full of ingredients. He had brought his mother's recipe book and propped it against a jug of pumpkin juice open on the page for Christmas cookies.
"You put pumpkin juice in your Christmas cookies?" I asked. Sebastian laughed "No of course not. I brought that for us to drink."
I put on an apron and tied my hair into a knot. Sebastian looked at me smiling.
"What?" I said.
"Nothing." he replied giving me a swift kiss. "My perfect little cook." he added silently and I blushed. We made the dough getting flour all over the kitchen surface. It was particularly fun to form the cookies.
"Oh I want to try making a niffler." I said.
When the baking trays were in the oven we cleaned the kitchen of the mess we made. Sebastian poured us both a goblet of pumpkin juice. He sat down on the couch in the sitting room and pointed his wand at the empty fireplace. A fire sprang into light immediatly casting it's warmth through the room.

When I had put away my apron and set an alarm clock for the cookies I joined Sebastian on the couch. The pumpkin juice was refreshing and I was feeling relaxed when I leaned my head on Sebastian's shoulder and he put an arm around me.
I looked at him and without saying anything he brushed my hair behind my ear and pulled me into a soft kiss. At once the butterflies started dancing in my stomach again and a familiar warmth spread through my body, that had nothing to do with the fire now crackling merrily in the grate. Eyes closed I returned his kiss and suddenly he lifted me onto his lap. One leg on either side of him my knee-length skirt hiked up my thigh to where my stockings began. Sebastian had one hand in my hair and one around my waist hugging me tighter as our kiss deepened. I had never been kissed like this before and his tongue sent small shocks of electricity through my body. As we broke apart to catch our breath Sebastian whispered "I love you, (y/n)."
I blushed as the butterflies in my stomach seemed to explode out of me I replied "I love you too, Sebastian."
Our lips met again and without hesitation I gave in to his tongue demanding to meet mine. His hand found my thigh and the tips of his fingers slipped under the hem of my skirt touching my skin lightly. A prickly feeling spread through my legs and lower body as Sebastian's other hand gripped my hip to pull me even closer to him. Kissing him deeply I could feel his desire growing beneath me.
I lightly pushed my self away from him and made to sit back down next to him. I swiftly kissed him on the lips not wanting to seem like I was pushing him away. Pulling my skirt back down to my knees I said in a breathy voice "Maybe we should take a break for a moment." Sebastian just nodded. We both took a sip of pumpkin juice. Finally Sebastian said "May I ask you something?"
"Of course, anything." I replied.
Sebastian hesitated for a moment before continuing "You did like it, didn't you? Or did I read the situation completely wrong?"
My cheeks flushed with colour as I said "No I think I enjoyed it just as much as you did." I contemplated him for a moment. "I think I just want to take it slow." I said in a small voice. He suddenly looked horrified "Of course (y/n). I didn't want you to feel pressured into anything. I hope I didn't make you feel like that again."
I took his hand "No, no. Don't worry I'm not feeling pressured. It's just..." I lowered my gaze not knowing how to proceed. Sebastian put his hand under my chin lifting my eyes to his. "Tell me. You can tell me anything." he said. I smiled feeling a bit more reassured I took a deep breath and explained "It's just that I've never gone this far or further..." I hesitated again at this moment but continued quickly "...with anyone before. And you always flirt with so many girls..." I said sheepishly. He smiled at me "I may have flirted with girls, but I never really wanted to be with anyone like this before now."
We gazed into each others eyes for a long moment and he softly kissed me again. The alarm I had set for the cookies went off at that moment and we both jumped bumping our foreheads against each other. We both swore in pain and then burst out laughing.

We were still laughing when we entered the kitchen. I used an oven mitt to open the hot oven door. "I think they're done. Give me the second oven mitt." I said. I pulled out the baking sheets one after the other and placed them on the kitchen counter to cool.
"Look I found this christmas themed box we can put them in later." I told Sebastian.
He looked excited "Anne will love that." he said.
Let's go feed the animals while we wait for the cookies to cool down.

I was standing next to the feeding station when Sebastian came walking - or waddling - towards we from behind a tree. John the Niffler was clinging to his leg. "(Y/n) some help here please." Sebastian said half laughing half helplessly gesturing. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight. "Do you have any jewelry or anything shiny on you?" I asked.
"No." he said. "I left my pocket watch in the cottage. That's all I had on me."
John was still clinging to his leg and looking up at him, making his adorable squeaking noises.
"I think he likes you." I told him. "Just pick him up and scratch his belly a bit."
With a highly sceptical look on his face Sebastian bent down to pick John up. Immediatly John sniffed his face and Sebastian sneezed. I couldn't help but laugh again. "Here give him to me." I said chuckling.
"No I got this." Sebastian said composedly. He held John in his arm like a baby and scratched his belly. John squeaked some more apparently quite comfortable with Sebastian. I raised my eyebrows. I watched him playing with the niffler for a while. He really could be sweet and caring if he wanted to. He seemed quite relaxed now. That's probably the reason... I thought to myself. He is always so driven and ambitious and hiding it with charm and smugness. I had never seen him so relaxed.
It filled me with happiness to know that I at least had a small part in giving him the peace of mind he had probably not experienced in years. As he sat John down on the grass I walked over to him. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. He returned my kiss lifting me off the ground for a moment. "What did I do to deserve that?" he asked. I smiled at him "Just...for being you." I told him. We stood there for a moment just holding each other looking deeply into each others eyes. Finally he said "It's funny....beeing here with you almost makes me forget all the horrible things that happened."

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