The house cup

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I awoke to the clatter of the gate and a silver tea tray preceeding Ominis into the room. His wand held aloft before him.
"Ah you organised a table already." He put the tray down and sat in the other armchair. I untangled myself from the blanket and poured both of us a steaming cup of tea. There were also biscuits and sandwiches on the tray. I sipped my tea in silence as Ominis helped himself to a sandwich. He waved his wand and milk and sugar added themselves to his cup.
"I always wondered how you do that." I said watching him pick another sandwich. "Do what?" he asked.
"Navigate or see with your wand. How did you know I had put up a table?"
He thought for a moment. "You know no one has ever actually asked me that except...except Anne." There was pain on his face but the next second it was gone. He cleared his throat. " when I first got my wand it was like a moment of clarity. Ever since then it has helped me get around. I don't see with it in the sense that you might think." He frowned and continued. "It is more like it sees for me and tells me what is there. And then it comes to me like a thought." I just looked at him for a moment. "That is amazing." I said as he took another bite of his sandwich.

I took a biscuit just to have something to do. "You can talk to me too, right." I said in a small voice. I saw him turn to me in my peripheral vision. "I don't have the monopoly on pain." I took his free hand and he gave a surprised start. Silence. I squeezed his hand and he returned the squeeze. I took that as a good sign so I went on. "Have you heard from Anne since she left?" There was pain on his face again. "I have...she is with extended family in London. I got her owl this morning." He let go of my hand and rested his head in both of his. "She is in so much pain and there is nothing I can do." He burst out.
"You've been there for her as much as you can since Solomon died." I tried to comfort him. He shook his head "The worst part is that I understand why Sebastian would do anything to save her." Now I frowned. "Yeah I think we all do..."
"No you don't!" He interrupted me. "I would do anything to take away some part of her pain. I cannot be as disappointed in Sebastian as both of you are, because I know how he feels." Whatever I had been expecting it wasn't this. "But you would never resort to the dark arts." I reassured him. He looked at me in desperation. "Wouldn't I?" I took his hand again. "I know we haven't been friends for very long, but I know you would never cause that kind of pain." He smiled. "Thank you (y/n), I think I needed to hear someone say that." I stood up and gave him a hug. Then I poured us another cup of tea.

The next day was spent mostly packing. Tonight would be our last night at Hogwarts before the summer. In the afternoon I left the dormitory, because Imelda and Nerida had not stopped bickering since breakfast.
As I entered the common room I found Ominis sitting at the chess table. Sebastian was nowhere in sight.
"All packed?" I asked as I sat down at the chess table. "Of course" he replied. "Fancy a game?" I looked at him in astonishment. "Your wand can tell you the position of the chessmen?" He smirked "That and I can imagine the board and remember the moves."
"You should be in Ravenclaw," I said jovialy. He just chuckeld.
As we played our conversation moved to the holidays. Why was I so nervous to ask what I needed to know?
"Are you staying in feldcroft this summer?" I asked trying to sound casual. Ominis sighed. "I'm not leaving him alone, don't worry." I suddenly had a lump in my throat. "Thank you. I know it can't be easy for you."
"Trust me it's way easier than going to my family." he said darkly. "Besides I'm going to forgive him eventually anyway. So I might as well make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." I smiled through my watery eyes. "You're a good friend, Ominis." Relieve flooded through me. He would be fine. Ominis would make sure of that.
"I thought I might look in on Anne while I'm in London." I watched closely for his reaction. "That would be great." he smiled. "You're going back to the orphanage then?"
I nodded. "Any idea what you'll tell them?"
"I sent my guardian an owl after Professor Fig's memorial. So they already know." Tears were welling up in my eyes again. The pain of losing my mentor was still too fresh for me to talk about. In the last few month he had almost become something of a father figure to me.
"Oh, I guess I assumed you lived in a muggle orphanage. I have never heard of a wizard one." Thankful for the change of subject I explained all about the Orphanage connected to St.Mungos hospital. I was surprised Ominis had never heard about it.
"There aren't many wizard orphanages. I only know of two in Britain and one in America." Ominis moved his wand "Checkmate." he exclaimed. "Come on let's go to the great hall. It's almost time for the feast." Ominis got up. "I'll write down Anne's adress for you later. And I'll tell her you're coming."

We met Sebastian at the doors to the great hall. Tonight I was going to sit with the other fifth years again. Ominis graciously took the seat between Sebastian and me. I didn't eat much and during professor Blacks speech I was hardly listening. Then professor Weasley stood up and ripped me out of my stupor. She talked about me battling Ranrok and I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. Every head in the great hall had turned to me. Professor Weasly continued "...I think that warrants 100 points to their house." The great hall exploded in applause. People were shaking my hand clapping me on the back and hugging me. I couldn't help but smile.

The next morning after breakfast it was time to say goodbye. I walked over to the Gryffindoor table to say goodbye to Natty and Garreth. Natty gave me a long hug and said "I will see you two weeks before term starts. I fixed it all with my mom and Professor Weasley." I smiled "I'm looking forward to that."
Walking out into the entrance hall I spotted my barn owl sitting in her cage by the great oak front doors with all the other animals.
"Not leaving without saying goodbye, were you?" I heard a voice say from behind me. Ominis was walking towards me with Sebastian skulking sheepishly in his wake. They weren't going home on the hogwarts express as feldcroft was so close. Ominis held out his arms and I hugged him. "You'll write, won't you?" I said sternly. "If I don't hear from you for more than a week I'm coming up here." I stole a glance at Sebastian as I said that. It was Ominis however who awnsered "Of course we will."
I hesitated for a moment and then gave Sebastian a quick hug too. My stomach did a sort of backflip as his arms closed tightly around my waist. "See you when I get back." I whispered in spite of myself. Then I picked up the cage with my owl and walked to meet Poppy outside, waiting for the carriages to take us to Hogsmeade station.

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