you think we cod really sleep part 1

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I look at this pathetic excuse of a sandwich. What was he thinking? I thought in my head. I threw away the sandwich immediately and began on the new one. How does this man even own a restaurant? If he doesn't even know how to make a cheese sandwich. I sigh. And grab a new piece of bread. I take the two pieces of bread and put cheese into it. I take pepper and pepper the cheese. American cheese, to be exact. Then I had cream cheese to both. Sides of the sandwich with a knife. Put the American shoes in between the pieces of bread and grill it. Once it's done, which it takes around one minute or so. I take it out. And spill. A tad bit of olive oil. Then finish it off with a sprinkle. Of chili pepper. Well, some kind of spicy spice that he had in his kitchen. I may not be able to poison it, but at least I can do this. Give them a bit of a shock, eh?

I walk over. And I see him laying out the bed. I looked down at him and his pathetic small face. Angrily talking in the Sheets. "uh hum." He looks up at me. "What do you want up there?" I Smark. "How very original of you. What are you gonna say next? How's the weather up there?" His Smart quickly turns to a Frown. "I'm hosting. You should be a little polite." "Never." I play it off with a little wink, like I'm knowing what I'm doing, but not really. I don't really know what I'm doing. I just grabbed the plate off the kitchen counter and give it to him. "Your sandwich. Or grilled cheese, as you Americans would call it. Your Majesty." I do a little bow to nail the point in. I was expecting him to act all pisst But he just stares at the plate. Eyes wide.

"I asked you to make me a grilled cheese sandwich. And you make me a god dame Restaurant dish. You don't need to be all extra and extravagant Just to try and make yourself look better in front of me." I stand there. Puzzled. @

This is how I regularly make sandwiches all the time. It takes one minute and it tastes 10 times better than just adding one cheese. I'm not trying to show off, I'm just trying to show you how much better it can be if you just add one more minute to your regular routine. And I'll be grateful I made you a better sandwich. Or don't eat it.

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