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when Quackty wakes he see he has spilt in to Wilburs arms. his head on his chest. looking up he cod see will used his blanket as a pillow for the both of them. letting him shelf fall asleep on the hard concert. with no blanket or warmth. well except for him on his chest... 

Quackty jumps up and puts his banket on will he sigh's to him shelf "fucking selfies idiot. lure to look after you shelf." Quackty coves the red on the corners of his cheeks, with denial and consent reminders of the past. 

Quackty wonders thro the darkness of the restaurant. aimlessly looking for something, anything. he didn't even no what he wanted. then why was he so........... disported.

he soon stumbled in to tommy and tubbo. they had both fallen asleep. he thot of waking them but he decide not to. they looked to pace full. instead he just picket them up and true them gently over his soled. Quackty was small, but he was verry strong. all that betting up dream had pad off. and not to mention he lifted cinderblocks, on the daily to help foolish with the builds for las 'Nevada. so he was capable of lifting tommy and tubbo. 

he put them down next to Wilbur. unfortunately he didn't have any other blankets. so he just gently tuck the blanket that Wilbur was using as a plow. he made it so tommy and tubbo wore sheering it. thinking fast Quackty spotted 3 rice bags and used that as the pillows for the 3. 

then Quackty lade down next to Wilbur. putting his head on the rice bag. you mite be wondering why he lade down next to will? well he cadent see any more rice bags. and he was to lazy to find any more. as he drifted of to sleep he felt a hand tuck him in to the blanket. and the warmth of Wilbur body filed the blanket up. Quackty wood have one of the best sleeps he ever hade on the conceit folders of the tubburger restraint Flore.

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