Medication and grand opening

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It's been two weeks since I've last spoken to Wilbur not like we speak that often anyways, but weirdly after the whole incident, I'm feeling a little bit more attached still can't believe i fucking, followed him back to the van why did I even do that *sigh* whatever it doesn't matter

pull myself out of my bed and looked on my desk for my antidepressant, the bottle is empty. Unsurprisingly.Hannah doesn't seem too pleased to see me back in the shop asking for more medication. Honestly I couldn't be bothered this isn't her problem it's alright you can pull a knife on me for using my prescription.

"you really should try your health your way of managing things this is the second time I've seen you in this week"

"Hannah for the thousandth time, this isn't your problem"

"but I'm worried for you. you do so much work every day, keeping up this nation all by yourself, and you don't even feel happy I've looked into it. The amount of medication you take isn't healthy it's not good for you"

"Do you think I give two shits, whether it's healthy for me Hannah actually give zero flying fucks can you just give me the goddamn medication we don't need this to be a whole ass chat every time I come in to get my shit"

"I didn't want it to be like this, I'm not giving you the medication quacktiy"


"No I'm not I've been nice letting you have it so much. Your prescription says that I can give you one bottle every two weeks. This has not been one bottle every two weeks. This has been three bottles everyone week. How do you even how do you even get through all of that you have to be mass overdosing to be able to even get for one bottle in two days no I'm not letting this happen"

"No Hana give me my fucking medication, you don't realise how much I need this"

"I'm putting my foot down quacktiy I may not be in the same situation as you, but I know that this is too much"

After a back to 4th of arguing, Hannah threatened to stop giving me the medication altogether. If I didn't leave the chemist I don't know how I'm supposed to get through the day today but I guess I'll just drink a lot of coffee hopefully maybe that will keep me going.

Walking out the door, I'm feeling increasingly tired and increasingly irritated Bull

The worst part is I have the sword a lot of paperwork today and Sam is ofis it a day off so I have to do everything by myself. Great just what I wanted this Wednesday

Most people would just say Opt for me working with more people but from personal experiences most of the time no all of the time, people let you down, especially the ones you think you can trust.

Wilbur,s pov

I didn't get to wake up the very pleasantly this morning rolled off the side of my bed not a great start to the morning but I've had worse I go to the kitchen to pour myself a cup of coffee as the coffee is boiling. I look in the fridge for the milk. no milk. great. But I'll settle with black coffee. I'll just buy some milk at the store later when the coffee is done I pour it directly into my cup turn around and I see Tommy standing in front of me 

"JUSUS FUCKING CRISIS!" Wilber screams tumbling back

"Ha that will never get old" Tommy says mockingly

"You say that not laughing" wilber says through his teeth

"I'm too tired to laugh it will hurt my stomach. Which brings me to my next Point feed me. bitch"

"You can feed yourself gremlin I think we have microwaveable waffles in the fridge or um I don't know what they're actually called"

"egos you stupid old man"

"If you're going to Call Me old, at least let me be wise okay old people are wise!!!"

Is Tommy put your hand on Wilbur shoulder 

"From experience, Wilbur old people are most definitely not wise"

"Right... just come up with a better insult"

"Wilbur, what is this?"

Tommy said, waving the box of Eggos, frantically at Wilbur's face


"Well yes, but it says that the strawberry ones are not the blueberry ones I specifically instruct you every time you go to the supermarket to get the blueberry ones and you disappoint me with this strawberry ones really? strawberry ones?"

"Tommy, you refused to eat anything other than Eggos and Coke for breakfast. This may not be a big change what is going to try at least something mildly different"

Is Tommy berated me about how blueberry is superior to all flavours sitting down on the old ward down table that I have in the middle of the sitting room, but I just blur it out and make the Eggos for him. Unsurprisingly he likes it he doesn't say he does, but he eats the entire plate of egos. Obviously he's not gonna admit I was a right but at least he ate something today.

"Right Tommy, we have a big day ahead of us"

"You say that every day"

"Yes well today is a really really big day because I'm finally opening Wilburger to the public! Put that jackass Quackity out of business"

"You are really want to impress him...." Tommy says under his breath.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you."

"Nothing will" 

"Well, if it's really nothing, can you please get Ranboo tell him to wear his best clothes (and also bring, maybe some of that fancy tablecloth thought it looked really nice on the tables)"

"Yes, sir!"


"Don't ever do that again"

"No, yeah  it was like, I heard it coming out of my mouth and it was too late and yeah it's not gonna happen again"

"Well you better get all, all the decor and food ready for all the new customers"

"Kk will good luck"

"Ha I don't need luck "

"Whatever jackass"

From writer

Thanks for reading this for sorry, my uploading schedule isn't as fluent as you might like it. I'll be doing shit all week. (Also I kind of forgot this makes up for it)

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