Shuichi's revelation

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Tanjiro stood with the look of confusion and horror on his face, as Shuichi walked towards him. There was a glimmer in Shuichi's menacing eyes that was reflected by the sun. Tanjiro took a step back. He never believed that he would ever see a demon thriving in the sunlight, yet Shuichi stood there before him and was perfectly fine.

"Surprised?" Shuichi smiled again.

"How are you... how is this even possible?" Tanjiro continued to stare in disbelief.

Shuichi smiled, then thought to himself for a moment. Then he decided it wouldn't do him any harm by telling the boy the truth. Besides, he was going to die anyway.

"You see, I'm not like the other demons in your world," Shuichi explained while continuing to approach Tanjiro, "In fact, I'm not even from your world. Nor am I from this one."

Though Tanjiro was still confused, he stood sturdy on the ground, and he took no more steps back.

"I am not a demon." Shuichi said with a wide grin, "At least, not when I'm here. I take on whatever position I'd like when I enter a new world. In your world, I'm a demon. In this world, I am a villain."

Shuichi stopped walking when he was only two feet away from him. Then he smiled again and spoke again in a softer tone so the others wouldn't hear. "Those portals are not for time travel. They send me to new worlds entirely."

One thought after another began to flow through Tanjiro's mind. But one stuck out the most to him. Does that mean Nezuko is still ok? Was he just lying this whole time?

"I brought a few friends with me to join the fun. Don't think I forgot about my promise~." Shuichi smiled and spread out his arms. The alarm system started to set off, but it was no use. The League has already infiltrated the school grounds.

Shuichi then stepped back as the girl with the knives jumped forward on top of Tanjiro, "Hi! My name's Toga, I think you're really cute! What's your name?"

Just before she brought her knife down on his stomach, Tanjiro rolled out of the way.

"No, stay! Tell me about yourself!!" Toga was about to lunge forward again in Tanjiro's direction when she heard a different voice that sparked her attention.

"It's the League of Villains!" Izuku called out to his classmates who were still inside cleaning the mess from Katsuki and Inosuke's fight.

"Ohh Izuku~!!" Toga lost interest in Tanjiro and began to chase after Izuku.

Tanjiro lifted himself off the ground. The league of villains began to brawl with the students in class 1a. Blasts of various different quirks were scattered accross the school grounds. The pros haven't shown up yet, it was all up to them.

Then Tanjiro smelled Shuichi's presence getting closer to him. From behind! Tanjiro jumped forward to avoid a punch to the head from Shuichi. "Ooh, great reflexes. Have you improved since our last meeting?"

Shuichi began to throw more and more attacks. All Tanjiro could try to do was dodge, since he still had not gained access to his katana. The attacks started to get faster, and were becoming more difficult to predict. Then Tanjiro recieved a blow to the chest, a sharp sting spread throughout his body. A broken rib. He fell to the ground, gripping his chest and wincing from the pain.

"Aw~, don't tell me you're giving up that easily now..." Shuichi stretched his arms and began to approach Tanjiro again.

Tanjiro used his other hand to scoot himself backwards. He backed up far enough to reach a tree, then he gripped onto its bark and lifted himself to a standing position. Tanjiro grimaced as another wave of pain from his chest was sent through his body. He had to take small sharp breaths so that his lung wouldn't be pierced by his fractured rib.

Shuichi didn't give him any time to relax though, he threw another punch at Tanjiro's head, Tanjiro was able to dodge, but the pain in his chest made him fall again. "Hm, what a shame. I thought you were stronger." Shuichi kicked Tanjiro in the same location as his broken rib. The pain in Tanjiro's chest was excruciating as he was flung back even farther, crashing through multiple trees. As his back hit a large tree, splashes of blood were released from Tanjiro's mouth.

He layed there, unable to move his body. He strained his eyes to look up. His vision was blurry, but he was able to see the silhouette of Shuichi approaching him.

Shuichi was about to deliver his final attack, when there was a subtle blue shine of light in the distance.

"Thunder breathing, first form. Thunder clap and flash."

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