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Tanjiro and Izuku sat on a bench near Izuku's home. They told each other everything. How Izuku was enrolling in a school for heroes, and how Tanjiro wanted to turn his sister, Nezuko, into a human. Izuku might've even shared too much to his new friend. He talked about All Might, and how he got his quirk. Tanjiro talked about Rengoku and Hinokami Kagura. They shared about their friends. Uraraka, Todoroki, Iida... Zenitsu, Inosuke, Kanao... Then, smooth, delicate tears formed around Tanjiro's eyes. He cried, to the terrible thought that everyone he cared about must've died because he went into the future. He didn't know if he was ever going to make it back. Seeing Tanjiro cry triggered the tears in Izuku. Izuku offered a hug, and then the two boys sat together and shed their tears.

"Oi! Who the hell are you?" Tanjiro looked up, and through his glossy eyes, he saw a boy with spiky, blonde hair standing above them.

"Kacchan!" Izuku smiled through his tears.

Tanjiro then knew who this boy was. Izuku mentioned Kacchan several times. Tanjiro knew that Kacchan also knew about Izuku's secret quirk, so it was okay to talk about it.

"Shut the hell up, you damn nerd!! I wasn't talking to you!!" Kacchan harshly scolded Izuku.

His aggressive ego reminded Tanjiro of his friend Inosuke.

Kacchan turned towards Tanjiro, "Now answer me, Scarhead. You're starting to piss me off!"

Tanjiro was used to being called different names since his friend Inosuke did it repetitively. Though he figured the name 'Scarhead' was inferred as an insult. Inosuke called Tanjiro names like 'Monjiro' and 'Gonpachiro Kamaboko' because he didn't learn his name properly.

"My name is Tanjiro Kamado." Tanjiro smiled as his tears were beginning to dry.

"And how come I've never seen you before, huh?" Kacchan asked.

"Well I-" Tanjiro began.

"He's new here!" Izuku exclaimed "He's uh.. he's come to Japan to become a hero at UA."

Tanjiro didn't understand why Izuku was lying to Kacchan. But he was sure that he had a reason, so he played along.

"Tch. Do you really think UA would allow two good-for-nothing losers to become heroes?" Kacchan turned to face Tanjiro, "What's your quirk Scarhead?"

Izuku started to speak for Tanjiro again, "He has this quirk called Hinokami-"

"SHUT UP DEKU!" Kacchan yelled in Izuku's direction. Then turned back to Tanjiro.

"Uh.. well, in order for my quirk to work properly, I'll need a Nichirin sword." Tanjiro came up with a lie that matched Izuku's.

Kacchan just stared at Tanjiro with a blank expression. Tanjiro wondered if something he said didn't match up with what the current world was used to.

"A what?" Kacchan apparently didn't know what a sword was?

"A katana, made from scarlet crimson ore." Tanjiro clarified.

Then, the distasteful odor of blood filled Tanjiro's nose. Worried, Tanjiro started sniffing the air to try and detect where the scent was coming from.

"Uhh.." Izuku was speechless.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Kacchan fumed.

"Someone's hurt!" Tanjiro continued to sniff the air until he found a point where the scent was the strongest. "This way!" He then started running in that direction.

Izuku got up from the bench and ran after him. He was curious about what Tanjiro was up to. Kacchan also followed, though he seemed to be annoyed.

In front of Tanjiro, there was a young girl being beaten by a fairly large man. She was on the ground and bleeding in several parts of her body. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" Tanjiro ran in front of the man and shielded the girl.

"This is none of your goddamn business kid!! Now scram!" The man swatted at Tanjiro, but he dodged. Jumping into the air, Taniro landed a headbutt right in the middle of the man's forehead. After stumbling backward from the sudden impact, the man fell to the ground. His head was bruised and was starting to bleed, yet Tanjiro's head was completely fine.

Izuku and Kacchan, who were watching from a distance, were stunned by Tanjiro's abilities.

"Why the hell would he need a sword for that??" Kacchan asked, aggrivated.

Tanjiro then helped the girl sit upright and asked her if she wanted to go with him to get help. She ended up running away. The man was covering his forehead with one of his hands before getting up and muttering curses to himself. He walked in the opposite direction that the girl had gone.

Izuku then approached Tanjiro, "That was so cool! Is your head okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Tanjiro smiled.

"How many quirks do you have??" Kacchan asked, also approaching him,"First, you've got a crazy strong nose. Second, you have that hard head. And you were also gonna tell me a different one, too, weren't ya?!"

"Oh! My sense of smell and my head aren't quirks. Just talents." Tanjiro clarified.

"Then what the hell is your quirk, Scarhead?!" Kacchan asked.

"Well," Tanjiro wasn't sure if he should tell Kacchan that his quirk was water breathing or Hinokami Kagura, since he might get the water breathing technique confused with physically breathing underwater and the Hinokami Kagura was originally a dance performed by Tanjiro's father that he developed into a technique. But since Izuku had started to say 'Hinokami Kagura' earlier, he went with that. "My quirk is called Hinokami Kagura. It's a series of movements I could use to defeat villains, but it will only deliver damage if I'm using a Nichirin sword."

"A quirk that requires equipment huh? Sounds lame." Kacchan started walking away, "You're probably to late to enroll at UA anyway, idiot."

Izuku put his hand on Tanjiro's shoulder, "I'm sure if I talk to my principal, we'd be able to get you enrolled if that's what you want to do."

"Sure." Tanjiro smiled.

~{Time skip}~

Izuku had managed to convince Principal Nezu to allow Tanjiro to be enrolled. There was some challenge in finding scarlet crimson ore to make Tanjiro's sword, but eventually they found a swordsmith who knew where it was and knew how to craft it into a katana. Tanjiro selected his ore, just like at final selection, then soon enough he had a sword. After holding it for the first time, the blade turned black, just like before. When Mr. Aizawa talked to Tanjiro, he told him that their class had already recieved their hero costumes and chose hero names. Tanjiro decided he would just be called Tanjiro, the Slayer Hero. For his hero costume he stuck to something similar to his Demon Slayer Uniform, keeping the same colors and patterns of his kimono. Though he did add a few modern touches with the help of Izuku, which included a filtering face mask to help him detect certain smells, and help tell them apart from others.

Tanjiro would be joining Class 1A. Until he had time to set up his own dorm, he'd be spending the nights in the common area of the dorms.

Tanjiro recieved his school uniform from Izuku. Then he went to the dorms to be introduced to the class.

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