Chapter Nineteen: Losing Control

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The next few seconds are a confusing blur. Percy pushes me to the side. Euloyia falls out of my grasp. When I'm about to hit the ground, Annabeth catches me, keeping me on my feet whilst also holding my hands firmly behind my back.

I don't struggle. There's no need.

'I'm sorry,' I say. 'I really am.'

'Don't be. It's not your fault. It's the Thoughts, and you know it,' Annabeth says, letting go of my hands and stepping in front of me. Percy walks over and hesitantly passes me Euloyia. I turn her back into pen form and stuff her in my pocket.

'Thank you.'

No one answers, so I continue.

'You saved my life.' I smile. 'Again.'

Percy does one of his classic half-smiles. 'Our pleasure.'

'I don't deserve you.'

Percy and Annabeth immediately try to interject, but I stop them.

'You've not only saved my life, but literally everyone else's lives. Multiple times. And what do I give to you? Literally nothing. I just get angry all the time, that's all I do. I make a stupid mistake, you forgive me, but then it happens all over again. So I'm sorry. I'm just a burden to you, and we all know it.'

There's silence.

'Lily Rachel Mabiasan.' Oh gods. Annabeth sounded very angry. 'How dare you say that to us? Burden? Have you lost your mind?'

'Trust me, you do a lot more than just be angry all the time, and Annabeth and I can both vouch for that!' Not Percy too!

They both start yelling at me, and I zone out. But slowly, the yelling turns into tears.

We all nestle together, in one big hug.

'I'm sorry,' I repeat for the umpteenth time. Tears stream down my cheeks.

'Oh my gods, stop saying that! We get it!' Annabeth laughs.

'I don't know what's got into me! The quest was going fine at first, but then, of course, Eris ruined everything!'

'This quest has been very stressful. Not just for you, Lils, for all of us. It's horrible watching these Thoughts take over you, knowing that we can't do anything to stop them,' Percy wipes away a tear. 'But I'm proud to be your brother.'

'And I'm proud to be your friend,' agrees Annabeth.

'And I'm proud of both of you.'

'We should go,' says Annabeth. 'We only have a few hours until midnight!'

I frown. 'Did you just say-'

'Yes, I said a few hours!' She speaks in a rushed, panicky tone. 'Time works differently in the Underworld, so we need to go!'

Before I know it, we're racing towards our final destination, nervous yet excited anticipation bubbling up inside of me.

Well, it isn't our final destination. But it's close.

I'll never make it out of the Underworld alive.

I stumble over a rock.

My knees and elbows sting madly, and I see small pricks of blood on the floor as I turn over. I curse quietly, tears threatening to make their way out.

'Lily!' says Percy, helping me up. 'You good?'

I nod. 'I'm fine.'

No I'm not.

{Percy Jackson Fanfic} Water Lily and the Ocean's BlessingWhere stories live. Discover now