Morgan asks "Then what do you suggest should be her punishment for what she did?"

Quinn suggests "How about she goes into solitary confinement for a few days?"

Morgan comments "That's not a bad idea but that'll mean that she'll be in there while we're away."

I notify "That'll be the right amount of time for her to reflect on what she did. Also since her animal is a Wolf which craves being surrounded by their Clan it'll affect her more to be away from the Clan than it would for someone like me whose animal is naturally solitary."

Morgan nods then announces "Well that settles that matter."

Everyone nods their heads breathing out a sigh of what I guess is relief.

Morgan asks "Where is Loki?"

I admit "He's waiting outside the room."

Morgan asks "What is your status with him?"

I announce with a sigh "I have no idea. He acted on his feelings this morning before the Challenge."

Quinn asks "What do you think is going to become of this?"

I admit "I don't know but I can say that my Snow Leopard is protective of him although I don't know why."

Roxy asks "Do you return the feelings?"

I sigh before admitting "Maybe I don't know. I don't fully understand my feelings over him."

Roxy and Morgan share a look that suggests that they know something that I am missing.

I ask "What aren't you telling me?"

Roxy smiles "Nothing it's for you to discover for yourselves and not for us to tell you. I said that Loki earlier as well."

Morgan announces "Brooke if you do claim him it will make no difference to whether or not he is accepted into the Clan.""

I notify "I never expected it to make a difference and anyway I haven't claimed him yet and I don't know if I will at this moment in time. I don't know if I will continue to feel for him in the way he seems to feel for me. I'm going to wait until after we return from North Carolina before I act on anything."

Quinn announces "I don't think we should wait until after North Carolina to decide whether he should be in the Clan or not."

Morgan notifies "We don't have time to organise an assessment though not when we leave today."

I suggest "I still think that you should observe him over the time in North Carolina."

Morgan nods and comments "Agreed but it still goes to say do not tell him and do not tell Greta or anyone else of what has been discussed in this meeting."

We all agree and soon leave the room. Loki is leant up against the wall and looks up when we exit the room. I walk over to him and he pulls me into a hug. I return the hug although rolling my eyes at his neediness.

Loki asks "Are you well?"

I ask "Of course I am why I wouldn't."

Loki explains "You're injured I'm just making sure that you're well."

I object "I am not an invalid Loki."

Roxy smiles "She's never been one to seek help Loki just remember that and she hates being treated like an invalid. You treat her like she needs help and you'll get on her bad side quickly won't he Brooke?"

I add "And you'll likely find yourself on your back as well in no time flat."

Quinn asks "What you two going to do in the time before we leave?"

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