I used my hand to close it back before leaning in front of her. She looked away from me as she seemed to be a little too close.

  "Talk to me." My voice broke as if it was high pitched. "Did I do something? Because I'm sorry if I did."

  "How are you gonna say sorry to something you don't even know you're saying sorry to?"

I shrugged before she finally turned to face me directly. Her eyes poured into mine as a small feeling formed into my stomach.

  "You're mad at me," I trailed off before looking down at my fingers, "I don't want you to be mad at me. So, talk to me. We can fix it together."

I could see her fight a smile on her lips as her eyes finally was drawn from mine and then towards my lips.

My heart was beating out of my chest and I couldn't obtain myself. I tried backing away but that was only covered by my imagination because my mind was drifting apart from her but my heart was seeking her in. My heart just happened to be the mind of my body.

  "You're the most confusing person I know. One minute you don't want to be my friend and now you want to know what's pissing me off, Rose, that's exactly what's pissing me off."


There it was again. That stupid nickname sending a warm glow to my heart. I hated it so much.

  "I already told you that I'm a hard person to figure out. But I don't want you to be mad at me-"

  "Kiss me then."

I raised my eyebrow before looking at her sideways. I didn't believe what I just heard.

  "What?" I asked her,

  "You don't want me to be mad at you then you kiss me like your life depends on it because I'm tired of this going back and forth and this tension between us knowing what we both want."

She wanted to kiss me? Like...for real?

I didn't know whether I should be freaking out or playing it cool. Maybe a little bit of both.

I leaned down a little bit as our lips brushed against each other's. It was hesitant but the tease and pressure of our lips hovering over each other was driving me insane.

  "Kiss me." She demanded with her lips slowly moving back from mine while the words practically slipped against my lips.

Everything was moving slowly as I felt her arm hook around my neck, pulling me down and pressing her lips onto mine.

We stumbled back against the door before she heatedly pulled and sucked at my bottom lip. Both her arms now wrapped around my neck before I wrapped my arms around her waist letting her body press harder against me.

She shifted our weight to the point that we stumbled over to the sink as we both got the idea for her to sit on top as I lifted her up just for that.

Her fingers stroking through out my hair and her legs surrounding my hips as her front pressed against mine as if space was never invented.

I pulled back slowly before I tried to speak with her about this but she hungrily smashed her lips back into mine as she started to pull apart my shirt.

Her warm hands slipping up to my mid back as she pulled me closer. Our body's moved back and forth as it created a grind between us both.

With the shirt tossing off from my head, I stood in just a bra.

Quinn's hands slid around my body before she pulled me back in as she left kisses along my exposed part of my boobs and up to my neck.

She seemed so innocent but she felt so damn good. There was no way she hadn't done this before.

  "Delilah..." a moan escaped my lips.

She placed a small kiss on my neck before pulling back and looking back up at me.

A grin formed on her face. She reached over to grab my shirt before handing it back to me.

  "What are you doing?" I asked, a bit befuddled.

"Everyone's going to get suspicious. We need to get back out there." She assured to me.

My hand cupped against her neck before pulling her back in with my thumb pressing against her throat.

  "But I don't wanna." I frowned as I looked at every inch of her face.

  "We have to." She says before leaning forward to quickly peck me on my lips, "This also have to stop. I'm planning on settling down with Joshua and I don't want to have an open relationship."

My heart didn't flutter as it did before. Instead it felt crushed.

  "It's okay, it's not like I wanted more anyways." I said before panicking and stepping away from her.

She was making me nervous and I felt very embarrassed. Embarrassed to the point that my hands started to shiver.

She grabbed them before bringing them up to her lips and kissing them. She then pulled me in for another long and deeper kiss as she hopped off of the sink top.

It felt like the end of a story. But there was no beginning. No where to tell where it really started.

I felt like I was missing something. Like a puzzle and she had all the missing pieces.

These feelings made me feel guilty because I wanted to work things out with Emily. I needed to. She was the only person I had and I didn't know what I would do without her.

But Delilah...she made me feel so desperate for her presence , so eager for the feel of lips and so damn special with just a smile.

I truly hated it.

I hated it because I loved it so damn much that it made me insane.

  "Come on, let's join the rest before they get the wrong idea." She let me put on my shirt before she grabbed my hand and pulled me in the direction of the living room.

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