Getting ready to leave/leaving

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Austin's POV:

I walked into our room, Uniqua by my side. Then, she let go of my hand. "Here is my  backpack! Better grab it." She said to herself, as she put in on her back. "Can you help me make the bed?" She asked. "Sure." I replied. Then, we made the bed. Then, I but my bag on the bed, she put her backpack on the bed. She grabbed her warrior cat book and put it in her book sleeve. She put her book in her backpack. Then, she grabbed her  clothes, toothbrush, and toothpaste and headed into the bathroom, locking it. I grabbed my Warrior Cat book too, putting it in my book sleeve. Then, Uniqua came out of the Bathroom, with her Everyday-outfit on. She had put in perfume, too, I could smell it. "I'm all ready, are you?" "Yep." I replied to Uniqua. " so... Austin, am I gonna hang out with you later?" "Maybe, you want to?My parents will probably say yes." "Yeah, but what are gonna do?" Uniqua asked me. "I don't know! You pick!" I replied, I was stern, but I wasn't trying to be. "Ah, Sorry for getting stern with you, it's just, I'm still thinking about how Tyrone decided to hang out with Tasha and not us!" I said. "Yeah, but just listen to this: Tasha wouldn't let Tyrone sleep in his own bed, so he had to come beg me to. I let him, otherwise he'd have to sleep in the by Pablo, and by that time Pablo might get up... understand?" Uniqua said. "Yeah, okay." I said, heading for the exit of our room. "Are you mad at me? I wasn't being mean..." "Oh, Uniqua. Don't worry, I'm Just tired, maybe we could hang out way, way, waaaaaaaayyyyy, later... how about 5 to 7:30? Does that work? Maybe even 8:30 if you'd like ?" I asked. "Yeah, it should. As long as my mom serves dinner and at 5 sharp, and I eat it as fast as I can." She replied. "Yeah, come walk to the exit with me before we have to go our separate ways." I offered, "Of course!" She replied, holding my hand. "First, let's tell Ty-boy that we are leaving now." "Okay, sounds good to me Austinia!" Uniqua said in a loving way.

(Tyrones POV):
I quickly packed up my stuff, so did Tasha. "I will ride to your house and we'll meet up there as soon as we leave this place, Okay?" She said. "Yes!" I said, we both walked out. "Oh hi Austin! Hi Uniqua!" "Hi Tyrone! We're just gonna leave now, we'll see you another day!!!" Uniqua said, smiling. She rushed over to me and gave me a hug, Then she looked me right in the eyes, I did the same to her. "See you tomorrow, call me later or something with Tasha!" Uniqua added. "Okay! Sure!" I replied. "Have a nice rest of your day you guys!" Dragon said, opening up the door for us.

That was it, that was their bar trip.

The ending song! You have to listen to it pllssss - By Tyrone Eberg!

The ending song! You have to listen to it pllssss - By Tyrone Eberg!

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The end.. .

For  now.

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