Getting Ready For Bed

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(Austin's POV):
"What about Pablo?" Uniqua asked me. I couldn't resist putting my hand on Uniqua's shoulder, so I did. Uniqua smiled. "About P-Pablo?" I asked. "Yeah." "We'll put him on one of those chairs." I said, pointing at the 10 chairs we sat on earlier before Pablos' drinking rampage. "Okay..." Uniqua began. "...W-will you help me?" "Uh, yes." I said. I knew it sounded kinda rude, but I was tired. We both grabbed Pablo and put him on one of the chairs. Uniqua rubbed her face against my face. I saw Tyrone glaring at us. "I love you." Uniqua said. "I-I love you too." I replied. My heart warmed with love. My wish had finally come true! "Well love ass birds! Let's fucking get to bed!" Tasha groaned. "Yep motherfucker.. coming." Tyrone growled. "Co-coming." I replied, stuttering. "Don't worry, Austin... also... who are you sleeping with tonight?" Uniqua asked. "Ehh, not Tasha, that's for sure... hmm... who are you sleeping with?" I asked, I wasn't sure if I should or was ready to ask Uniqua to sleep with her. "Uhhh...uhm.." -Uniqua looked away- "Y-you?" "I was gonna say the same th-thi-thing." I stuttered. "To shy?" "Yep, you betcha Uniques!" I said cooly, trying to stop the awkwardness. "I brought PJ's, do you have any?" Uniqua asked the gang. "Yeah, why?" Tyrone said, turning around smoothly so his hair would sway beautifully, trying to catch Uniquas' eye. Uniqua didn't think it was dreamy at ALL, though. "Ehh, just wondering, how 'bout you Tasha?" "O smart ass... I fucking have some! No one gives a shit if you have some for us or not!" Tasha furiously yelled from across the room, going into the bathroom to brush her teeth. "Yeah, you don't have a toothbrush though, Tasha! You dumb idiot!" Uniqua instinctively replied back. "Then give me one!" Tasha yelled, coming out of the bathroom. Uniqua rolled her eyes, I could tell she was feeling hurt. I could see the pain in her eyes as she walked over to her bag, and grabbed a yellow toothbrush. I saw Tasha snatch it from Uniquas' hand, obviously Tasha was drunk AS FUCK. "Who I'd sleeping with who?" Tasha asked, mad and rudely. "I'm sleeping with Austin, you're sleeping with Tyrone." Uniqua said, reaching for my hand. She grasped on to it. "Eww! Gross! Why Tyrone? I'd rather sleep with the grass!" Tasha moaned. We all looked at her. "Go ahead then, if you think I'm so fucking disgusting!" Tyrone said, defending himself from the cruel hippo. "Fine, whatever... I'll sleep with Tyrone!" Tasha furiously growled under her breath.

(10 minutes later):

After we brushed our teeth we went to bed, I wasn't feeling tired but it was 1:00 AM in the morning. Ty-boy came into the room, he sat on our bed. "Goodnight Uniqua, goodnight Austin... also... thanks for saving my life, Austin... it really matters to me." Tyrone said. My heart warmed. I always liked Tyrone, In fact... I even Used to have a crush on him... but I'm not gay anymore... but I wasn't all the way sure that he liked me either...(as a friend.) "Y'know.. I wasn't very fond of you, Austin. But now... now I kinda am." Ty-boy said to me. I smiled. "Thanks Ty-b- I mean Tyrone!" I said. "Goodnight, no problem O!" Tyrone said. "I better go, Tasha's waiting for me, bye. Also, Uniqua? Wanna come over to my house at 1:00 tomorrow?" "Sure, if I can. My mom might be mad at me for staying here for the whole night and morning though." "Also, if you wanna come you can, Austin." Ty-boy added. "I'll see up to it, if I can come anyways..." Then, Tyrone walked off and closed the door. Uniqua hugged me. "I love you Austin." She told me. I smiled. "I love you too." I replied. "Well I love you more!" "I love you most!" I added. Uniqua smiled. "Wanna read Warrior cats before bed?" Uniqua asked me. "Sure." I replied. We both got out the our warrior cats books we had both been on....the same book. "What Page are you on, Bonehead?" Uniqua asked, teasing me. "Page 20." I grimly replied. "Same." "Well, at least we both know what's going on and we don't get confused when someone's telling us about it." Uniqua said. "True." "What's your favorite character?" Uniqua asked me. "Ah, FireStar?" "Same!" She said, excitement flooding through her. We both read for at least 20 minutes before getting way to tired to read anymore. "What page did you get to?" "Roughly... half page 36." I replied, happily but I was to tired to say anymore. "So.. OMG! Wow, you're a fast reader!" Uniqua replied, as she started moving closer to me. I did the same, out shoulders touched. She kissed me on the cheek, I smiled. Then we kissed on the lips. "Goodnight, Uniqua, see you in the morning. Have a good sleep." "You too, Austie!" Uniqua said as she turned off her lamp. I did the same, like I was copying her, I kinda was. "Will you lay closer to me?" Uniqua asked. "Obviously!" I replied. I moved closer and we both cuddled as we fell asleep.

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