Shopping and entering the bArR! 💅😡🧡💌💛❤️🖤❤️

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Austin's POV:
"I think she likes you." Tyrone said. "M- Maybe.." I stuttered. "Lucky." Tyrone added. Does Ty-Boy want her? I thought. Probably! I added into my thoughts. Then my jaw dropped open, so did the other boys when Uniqua came out with her red dress on. "What do you think of it?" She asked us. "Beautiful!" I said. "Pretty!" Pablo said. "Gorgeous!" Tyrone replied. "Thanks! Should I buy it? It's 130$, and they only accept cash!" Uniqua said. "I'll pay for it." I mumbled, not meaning to say my thoughts out aloud "Really?" Uniqua asked me. "We'll both pay 65!" I said. "Okay, Thanks Austin!" Uniqua said, then she hugged me tight. I looked down, and smiled. She was almost as tall as me! I was surprised for some reason, not really knowing why. Then Tasha came out with hers. Tyrone and Pablos' jaws dropped as they both saw her. "Beautiful!" I heard Tyrone say. "Pretty af!" Pablo said. Uniqua looked at them, that's not what they said to her. "At least you appreciate me." Uniqua told me. I smiled. "I sure do." "And I'm glad you do." She told me. I smiled feeling kinda bad for her, I also felt fond to her. "Guys! It's 7:40! They must be ready by now! Let's take off those dresses and go." "Okay! I will, be back Austin!" Uniqua said, going into the change room and changing back into her blue dress. Tasha left her dress ON. Then Austin and Uniqua payed for Uniquas' dress. Then Tyrone helped Tasha pay for hers. "Again, thank you Austin!" She told me. "No problem!" I replied. I just wish she would've kissed me. I thought. But I just guess she never ever will or... soon enough here I should tell her my feelings for he. I'm gonna have to tell her my feelings soon anyways, Otherwise she will never know... also, who know's if  Ty-boy is even right that she likes me!? Or who knows if Ty-boy will be with her!? Or Pablo? Then we arrived at the bar. "Guys first this time!" Uniqua said as she opened up the door for me. "Thanks!" I said in disbelief. She had really just opened the door for me! I happily thought. YES! Then Tyrone and Pablo entered. "Yeah, thanks." Tyrone Cooley said. Then Pablo said his thanks to the spotted creature. "Thanks Uniqua," Tasha said. "But why not girls first?" "Austin held the door open for me multiple times, then you opened up the door for me... so I wanted to hold the door for everyone." "Ohhhhh! Okay!" She said. "Let's check in." Austin said. "Hey there!" The spider that was  cashier said. "Hi." We all replied back. "I'm the guy who wanted to stay here tonight and tomorrow until 10:30." I said. "Here for the hole night? And then you leave at morning? Okay, will you pay cash or-" I  cut off the cashiers words and paid with cash. "30 dollars! We try to keep things cheap here because everywhere else they want to much, plus, the drinks are expensive." The cashier said. "Thanks!" I replied, kind of regretting that I had cut of the spiders words. "What's your name?" I asked. "Spiderus. I used to be famous in Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends." Spiderus replied. "I- we used to be famous on the Backyardigans, then our show got canceled." I said. "Ours got cancelled too. ALSO, AHEM sir, what's your name? Also we need your last name." Spiderus said. "I am Austin Frothingslosh. Don't ask about the last name, I know believe me, it's weird. Anyways, thanks."  I said. "F R O T H I N G S L O S H?" Tasha blurted out. "How..... FUCKING FUNNY!" She screamed. Then she saw a purple dragonfly, she was guessing it wasthe bar worker. "Can I have some cocaine?" She asked. "Sure." The dragonfly said. "What's your name?" She asked. "Dragon. Yes ma'm, I know, it sounds fucking weird." Dragon said. "Naw, it's fine, I like it." Tasha said. I looked at Tasha. Baahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaha! Hahhahaha! Bet you like him! I thought. Hehehe....

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