Tyrones bad to good luck.

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(Tyrone's POV):
"Good. fucking. Night. Gross Ass Pig!" Tasha yelled at me as she got into our 1-night-shared -bed. "Ugh.. I don't wanna hear you all night..." I began. "Maybe I should just go sleep with Uniqua and Austin!" "Yeah, go ahead. Bet you wanna just go there so you can kiss Uniqua on the lippy-lips right!?" "No! Tasha it's not like that! Not what you think anyway."I tried defending myself, I wasn't sure if it was gonna work. "Go kiss her, at least Y O U don't have to sleep with M E!" "Fine, I will." I said, getting up and leaving, closing the door quickly and quietly. I would've slammed it if it weren't for Pablos' fucking drunk-a-trouble, but he was still fucking sleeping. I walked to Austin and Uniqua's room. Quickly but quietly opening the door, like I did to the other one. "Oh, hi Tyrone! You look worried, what's up?" Uniqua asked. "Ehh.. Tasha's just being mean around me.. I was wondering., (if there's room) if I can sleep with you?" I asked. "Sure!" She said. I walked over to her, she made room for me, then, I sat down. She grabbed my hand and held it, just as if She were to do it to Austin. "I'll come over to your house tomorrow. I'd be glad to... I don't know who to choose yet for a Boyfriend, but I know I can choose roughly soon ... okay?" She told me. "U-uhm yyeaahhh..." I replied, not acting cool, but acting nervous. "It's okay Tyrone." Uniqua said cooly, she was acting like the cool one. Then she hugged me, hen grabbed my face, I didn't know what she was doing until she leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I was shocked, but I was glad she did it. "Goodnight." "Goodnight, Uniqua." Then I got under the covers, so did she. Then we went to sleep.

(Uniqua's POV):
I woke up with Austin on my chest. I kissed him on the cheek as he got up. "Love you," Austin told me. "You too." I replied. "Why's Ty-boy in our- I meant Tyrone. Why is Tyrone in our bed?" Austin repeated and asked. "Ahh.. hah.. Ty-boy, is that what you call Tyrone?" I asked him. "Yeah, sure, whatever. But why is he in here?" Austin asked me again. "Tasha was being mean to him, that's why he's here." I said, without talking about the kissing part. "Fair, fair, fair then." He said. Tyrone woke up. "Ehh.....Hi Austin, Hi Uniqua." "Hi Tyrone." We replied back. "Good sleep?" I asked. "Ehh.. not so much, haaaad a dream about all 'o us dying..." he began. "Hey! Wanna go see if Tim-Tim is okay!?" He said, trying to change the subject. "Tim-Tim? Who's Tim-Tim?" I asked. Austin rolled his eyes, I guessed he didn't want me talking to him, he was jealous probably. "Pablo, I call Pablo 'Tim-Tim!'" He replied. "I like that." I said, trying to flirt with Tyrone for some reason. Guess I did like Tyrone and Austin... "Yeah, let's go see Timmy Time." I said. "Ooh, what a nice name." "Thanks Ty-b- I mean Tyrone." I said, embarrassed as I looked at Austin. He put his tail on my leg, giving me a warning glance. I looked away,  then, my gaze fell back on Tyrone. For some reason I couldn't stop looking at him. He's so pretty and hot! I must have a crush on him! I thought. But then who would I choose? I didn't know who I'd choose... but I didn't have to worry about that yet. We exited our room and we found Pablo, he was still sleeping on the chair we had smacked him on, Technically our little trek. "I better get ready.." Tyrone mumbled. "Maybe you should I wait until Tasha gets up?" I said. "Psh, yeah, don't wanna make her angry! Plus, you know how mad she gets." Austin said. "Yeah, well! She's always mad at me! No matter what way you put it!" Tyrone said. Then, Tasha walked out of her room, she didn't look bad tempered. "Good morning..." She began, "Ahh.. also.. sorry about last night Tyrone... I was wondering if I could make up for it... how about you come over to my house later and we have a sleepover?" Tasha asked Tyrone. Tyrone looked at the floor, not taking his eyes off it. "Uhhhh... em.... Sure!" Tyrone replied. That ruins OUR play date, how could you, Tasha! I thought. Then Tyrone walked up to me, he rubbed his body against my side. I looked at him, there was still hope that he'd let me come over still. "I'm gonna see Tash for a sleepover.. I'll see you maybe he next day?" Tyrone said. "Yeah.. okay!" I said, I actually wasn't mad at all! In fact, I was happy that I'd get to hang out with Austin again today. Then, I walked up to Austie. "So, if they're going together then that means I'm not coming over to his house, which means... maybe I could come over to yours, do you think your parents would let you?" I asked. "Maybe? But since I decided to do this, I'm pretty sure not." He replied. "Also, guys! Maybe sure you don't tell Pablo about what he did last night... and maybe just don't invite him next time to a drunk drinking night." I said. "Yeah, that's for sure." Tasha added.

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