a fashion fairytale part 3

Start from the beginning

jilliana jumped up and got a hold of the window she scratched the wall with her legs as she tried to get her whole body stable and through. "ah what is that?""oh could it be?""jilliana." they yelled happily as she jumped in and went up to them. "now, let's see. no no. ah wee." she choose on of her claws and started to pick the lock. it unlocked making the flairies cheer. "beauty, brains and brawn. ha now that's stylish."

"yes! i did it. i am in paris." ken drops to the floor outside of the airport, kisses the floor before spitting and wiping his mouth. "taxi. please take me to millicent's fashion house." he sighs happily as the driver answers back in french. he pulls off the side of the road and into the road only to be stopped by traffick making ken lean back before he noticed the zombie peas walking from the window. they waved at him as they walk by making him do the same before sighing again.


i wake up, stretch and look to see aunt millicent and alice sleeping making me smile before i noticed something to our left. i got up and walked towards the balcony of the 2nd floor to see a ton of sparkles. i run the rest of the way to see a whole stage, curtains and chairs downstairs. "no way. no way. alice! aunt millicent!" my shout makes them jolt up and look at me. "is everything okay?""okay? this is beyond redonculously outrageous.""but how?""shyne, shimmer and glimmer, at your service, ma'am.""you came back.""technically, we didn't leave.""we were flairie-napped."

"but if you are back.." alice runs to the glitterizer and opens it to see all the dresses. "yes. now we can have a fashion show tonight.""whoa, conclusion-jumper, we're not the magic here. those designs were perfect.""we just sparkled them a little bit.""the room, on the other hand..""is wickedly mind-blowing.""affirmative.""we are so saving this
place, and your powers.""now let's just hope people show up."


the man is parked on the side of the road and is on the phone as ken watches from the car. he gets back into the car after hanging up. ken watches waiting for him to say anything but all he does is pull out the newspaper. "why have we stopped?""flat tire. no one is available to change it for at least an hour, so we wait.""an hour? but don't you know how to change a tire?""of course I know how to change a tire.""great. so are you gonna change it?""i am the driver. i do not change tires.""just pop the trunk, please. i'll change the tire." ken sighs before opening the door and walking to the trunk. "tourist." something metal drops on ken's foot making him groan in pain.

a man in a hotdog suit is sitting in the front row. "monsieur. so nice to see you.""you really think you can make enough money tonight to keep me from tearing this place down?""you gave me your price. i'll do the best I can.""good luck with that.""thank you, we'll need it." me and alice watched from the second level. "still just the hotdogeteria guy?""yeah, is it just me or is he pretty serious for a guy in a weenie suit?""All too serious. he can't wait to close us down.""i don't understand. where is everyone? our website rocks and i linked us everywhere. people should be fighting over those seats.""people will come. i have faith, the two of you gave that to me. we just need to be patient."


"it's the night of my dreams, delphine. even lilliana roxelle is here, the most famous fashion critic in paris. once I show these dresses, i will forever be known as the top designer in all of paris. wish me luck.""okay, good luck.""i don't need luck, I have talent. a talent for getting
what I want." jacqueline walked out from the back as the crowd applauded. "as you all know, i have
long been the toast of paris. but this collection is
the pinnacle of my career. i call it 'just rewards.'" she walks back as the first 2 models started to walk out. delphine watched them but sees the clothes releasing a green mist.

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