chapter twelve

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     It was strange to run through the Maze with such a large group, but also liberating. Layla thought it felt too good to be true. They were actually leaving. She had to remind herself that there was still a fight up ahead. After everything they've worked for, there was no way they would be let out without a challenge.

"Everybody, this way!" Thomas called out in encouragement, glancing back and noticing how exhausted the Gladers were getting. Layla stayed at the back, making sure that no one fell too far behind.

     "Keep it up, guys, we're almost there!" Thomas' voice echoed through the Maze. They sped past ivy walls and through the blades with ease. No challenge yet. Then, they finally came to a stop, and Layla got a second to breathe. She watched as Thomas peaked around a corner, sucking in a breath as he backed away from it.

     Chuck watched fearfully, "is there a Griever?" He asked softly, dreading the answer.

     Thomas sucked in a shaky breath and nodded his head, "yeah." He held his spear tightly in his hands.

     "Shit." Chuck breathed out, panic evident in his eyes.

     "You take this, Chuck." Minho held out the key to the small boy, giving him the safest job he could, but also the most important. They were betting their lives on that key. "Stay behind us."

     Chuck took it, inspecting it as he twirled it around in his hands. "It's okay." Teresa mumbled as she tied up her hair in a low ponytail. "Just stick with me." She reassured.

     "Once we're through, it will activate and the door will open." Thomas looked around at each of them, making sure they understood. "We stay close, we stick together... we get through this." He had never looked so determined, Layla was sure of it. "We get out now... or we die trying." He sighed, "ready?" He hit his spear against the ground. Layla nodded at him.

     "All right." He nodded back, "let's go!" He shouted, they all immediately rounded the corner and began to run at the Griever. The Gladers screamed as they held their weapons aimed at the odd creature, causing it to look back at them and let out a screech.

     Layla watched as the boys with spears began to jab them at the Griever, causing it to lash out. "Push it!" Thomas called, and everyone complied. Layla and Minho stood farther back, bows held tightly and aimed at the Griever's face. This angered the Griever, so it began to whip its tail around, attempting to swipe it under their feet.

     Layla bottled up her shock as it screamed loudly, managing to grab one of the boys, throwing him over the edge of the cliff.

Layla let an arrow fly, just as Minho did. Each arrow soared through the air, hitting the target dead on. Both arrows hit an eye, and the Griever had been blinded.

     Teresa swung her machete at the Griever, causing it to swing back and hit Chuck's hand. Layla watched as the key went flying, nearing the cliff.

     "The key!" Chuck shouted, rushing to grab the key before it fell.

     "Chuck!" Layla didn't waste a second before running after him, "be careful!" The boy managed to grab the key, but Layla's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as he hung over the edge of the cliff, close to falling. "I got you!" She quickly pulled him back up, using her strength to heave him back up. She gasped as she saw another Griever climbing up the stone wall.

     By the time Layla helped Chuck to his feet, the boys had pushed the Griever over the edge. But a new problem occurred when two more Grievers showed up, and Chuck and Layla began to run away from them. "Come on!"

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