chapter nine

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     After a quick break to catch their breaths, the three Runners got to their feet and began rushing through the different paths of the Maze—twisting and turning and keeping their thoughts on what had just happened.

     It didn't take long for them to make it back to the Glade, which surprised Layla because of how exhausted she was. Perhaps she was just lost in her thoughts again, but it didn't even matter because either way, she had made it back. That's all she cared about.

     The three Runners carelessly stepped in a puddle as they made their way over to Gladers who were crowded around the Maze doors. "What the hell's going on out there?" Newt raised a brow at the trio, quickly following them as they pushed through the small crowd.

     "The hell you done now, Thomas?" Gally seethed, walking in step next to Layla, much to her annoyance. Layla glared at Gally. There were times where the boy had been kind to her—very, very few times, but it had happened. She had seen his respect for Thomas after they'd fought in the circle during the night of the bonfire, too. She knew Gally could be kind if he cared enough to do so, but he typically wasn't, and that frustrated Layla more than she cared to admit.

     "We found something," Thomas turned to face Newt, completely ignoring Gally's comment. "A new passage. We think it could be a way out."

     Newt looked shocked at the news, his brows shooting up in surprise. "Really?"

     "It's true." Minho confirmed, just as out of breath as Thomas and Layla were. "We opened a door, something Layla and I have never seen before. I think it must be where the Grievers go during the day."

     "Wait!" Chuck ran forwards, trying to catch up after he heard what Minho said. "Whoa, whoa, whoa... wait, you're saying you found the Grievers' home? And you want us to go in?"

     Thomas nodded, "their way in could be our way out, Chuck." He explained, as patient with the boy as usual.

"Yeah," Gally said sarcastically, completely disagreeing with the idea. "Or there could be a dozen Grievers on the other side. The truth is, Thomas doesn't know what he's done, as usual."

     Layla was about to make a comment about how she and Minho had been there too, and Thomas hadn't done a damn thing wrong, but with one look to Thomas, she knew he could defend himself.

Thomas scrunched up his face in anger, whipping around to face the boy. "Yeah, well, at least I did something, Gally. I mean, what have you done? Huh? Aside from hide behind these walls all the time?"

Gally squinted his eyes, "let me tell you something, Greenie." He held up three fingers, "you've been here three days, all right. I've been here three years!"

"Yeah, you've been here three years and you're still here, Gally!" Layla bit back a smile at the comment, fair enough. "All right, so what does that tell you? May— maybe you should start doing things a little differently."

"Guys." Teresa suddenly called out, standing off to the side, but the boys kept arguing.

"Maybe you should be in charge, Thomas, what about that?"

"Hey!" Layla turned to face Teresa as she raised her voice, "It's Alby! He's awake." Layla's eyes widened in surprise, and she immediately rushed off to Alby.

"Has he said anything?" Minho asked softly as he brushed past Teresa, walking closer to Alby, who sat on his bed in silence. Alby kept his gaze forward, and his shoulders slouched. Tears were clear on his face.

Six Feet Under.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora