29 Letters For You

297 20 47

May 17 20XX

You're probably surprised by this big pink origami rose made out of toilet paper. Sorry I ran out of materials and this happened to be the only thing I could work with. Also, my origami skills have improved a whole lot if I can use toilet paper too and not just regular paper

Getting off track. I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me and that everyday with you is like a dream. Cheesy as that sounds. I'm happy being with you Gakushū. I still smile whenever I think back to the first few months of sending you my letters

I still feel bad whenever I think about how you spiraled into obsessing over figuring out my true identity. I put you through a lot of stress, And I'm so sorry for that, that'swhy I'm dedicating myself to making it up to you for the remaining of the school year, just let me spoil you okay?

You seem to really like doing the same thing to me, you spoil me, and wow who knew you'd be into cuddling? It makes me warm inside(I'm being cheesy again dammit see what you do to me?)

I really like you Gakushū. And now I can admire you and show you all my affections not just from afar anymore

You drive me crazy, but in a good way

Can't wait for our date tonight. I've always wanted to go to the Carnival with you

Yours truly, Akabane Karma

The end

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