15 - Boyfriend?

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Later that night, I was laying in my childhood bedroom, when my phone began to ring. I grabbed it and answered instantly when I saw it was Joe.

"Hey, you," He said, tiredly.

"Hey, you. Tired?" I questioned, making him laugh softly.

"Definitely, you would not believe the number of questions I was asked about my hair just today," He replied.

"You do have pretty incredible hair," He laughed again.

"So, how's Sydney?" He asked.

"Not great," I answered, my voice cracking slightly.

"I'm gonna be there as soon as I can, baby, I promise. I hate that I'm not with you right now,"

"It's okay, I'll be okay. I just can't wait to see you, I miss you."

"I miss you, gorgeous. I'll let you know as soon as I get a flight booked, okay?"



The next day was off to a good start, my sister was feeling good enough to eat breakfast with us, and then we went on a small walk together afterward. Well, I was walking whilst pushing her wheelchair. My mom was super freaked out by the idea of her not being on bed rest, even after I repeatedly reassured her that I would make sure she was okay. And I did exactly that, constantly making sure that she wasn't feeling unwell again.

"You're acting like a mom," Sydney said, making me scoff.

"I will let you roll you down this hill right now,"
I threatened.

"You're still mad at her?" She asked, laughing slightly.

"Are you kidding? May I remind you of what she did to me?"

"Right," She said, remembering that week.

(TW - mention of rape and abortion)

When I was 15, I had this friend, Aaron Green. He was part of the 'popular' crowd and I was the quiet girl. My mom kept telling me to stay away from him, that he was a bad influence and was only gonna get me in trouble. I didn't believe her, so I disobeyed her wishes and continued to hang out with Aaron and his friends. I came to regret that decision the day Aaron made a move on me.

We were sitting on the beach under the pier, just talking, when Aaron leaned in to kiss me. I leaned back, trying to avoid his lips, that's when he got on top of me and took advantage of me. I kicked and screamed, but no one batted an eye at the quiet girl getting raped right in front of them.

I walked home and told my parents what Aaron did. My dad was very comforting, while my mother didn't believe me. After she found out I was pregnant, she still didn't believe me. She was so mad that after I was able to get an abortion, she sent me away to a girls-only boarding school. I hated that place and how they treated us. So from that day on I promised myself that I would never forgive my mother.

(It's safe now)

"Well, I hope you forgive her one day. Not even for her, but for you," I scoffed at my sister's words. "I'm serious, you can't hold onto that anger forever."

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