"Give me your phone." I demanded to Alona, "I can call up Rosalie and get her to help us with this all." I said before Alona handed me her phone.

I waited for Rosalie to answer before begging for her to come over to help. She denied and said something about being busy. She was always busy around these times. I sighed before hanging up the phone on her.

I gave Alona back her phone before texting the rest to come over and help with this case. They seemed more than happy to. I on the other hand was sad and scared.

Alona proceeded to take the blanket out before it revealed a sliced off bloody hand. My stomach didn't sit right looking at that. I turned away as I held my hand over my mouth so I wouldn't throw up but it was only a matter of time.

Attached to the hand was a sticky note that read; Ring around the Rosie, Box full of hands, bring me the rest before you're all dead like this man -Your seeker.

Alona placed the blanket back over the dead hand before she ran into the bathroom and did what I could only assume was what I was itching to do.

The box stinked now that the air of the dead hand was released into the healthy air. I quickly shut the box as I felt tears leave my eyes. That poor innocent man had to lose a hand because of one's foolish humor. This had to be Oliver and if it wasn't, My now crazy cousin was at odds with this


When everyone arrived at Alona's house, I made sure to tell them everything. They were just as scared and frightened as Alona and I. Autumn got so scared to the point Alona had to hold her in order for her to stop crying. You would think they had their first kiss by now.

  "What are we going to do? Oliver always texts us from prepaid phones. We have no way to get in contact with him and we don't even know where to find some Andrew Peters." Lucas says as he paced back and forth.

My phone then buzzed as they all looked at me. They probably thought it was from Oliver. I was hoping it was from Oliver. That would help all my worries turn no more.

When I looked at the message, I could see Rosalie's name bright and bold looking back at me. She was definitely getting me more and more confusing.

  "Rosalie texted me. She says she needs to know the problem in order to help." I told them,

  "Okay, show her a picture of the hand in the box." Oliver jr says, worriedly.

I nodded before Lucas removed the blanket and I quickly snapped a photo. I didn't want to look at or smell it anymore than I had to.

We waited patiently for her to text back. Autumn had cried herself to sleep, Lucas had been pacing back and forth as Oj just found himself sitting on the couch watching some animated story thing from youtube.

My phone buzzed and their eyes shot back over to me. I rushed to check her message and it read; This thing is getting seriously out of hand. No pun intended. I will be over there in a little while.

  "She will be over in a little." I assured them,

Alona nodded before picking Autumn up and walking to lay her in the guest room. After she was done she came back with a curious look.

  "Rosalie knows where we are?"

  I hummed, "Yeah."

  "Did you tell her?" She asked,

  "No...why?" I asked her.

Lucas seemed to stop and join in on the conversation. Oj on the other hand was still watching tv and practically ignoring us.

  "You don't think it's weird?" She asked me.

  I raised my eyebrow, "Weird how? She's going to help us with this case." I trailed off, "and the way she makes it she knows everything about this case, she can help us with it." I assured them,

  "It's funny how Rosie knows our whereabouts, missions, and even when they start. Doesn't that seem strange to anyone?" Alona asked before chewing at her bottom lip.

That did seem a little strange but then again, Oliver and Rosalie had their little moments where they would be against each other and then work with each other. I didn't know their backstory and I never asked but she probably got the information from him.

  "And why does she always want to take part in the missions?" Lucas asked as if that was another mystery,

  "Oh that's a no brainer, She's totally obsessed with Delilah, You should have seen her as a kid." Alona rolled her eyes.

This was news to me. But then again, Alona loved to overreact with her words. Rosalie could have shot me a smile as a kid and Alona would take it as a sign of marriage. Truly insane if you asked me.

  "Rosalie and My father have had some war going on since he killed her father. So she tries her best to ruin every mission by distracting Delilah but we always seem to complete it, now...can you all shut up! I can't hear the tv!" Oj rolled his eyes before looking back at the tv.

Well, his words made sense but at the same time they didn't. I mean, Alona said her father died before she was born. How would she know that her father was killed by Oliver? Sure there was research and things that could lead back to him but Oliver was sneaky, there was no way we could trace it back to him.


Rosalie arrived in her mothers car as she seemed to have brought a map and board. She walked into the house as she seemed nervous and anxious.

I wanted to say something to her but we weren't on speaking terms right about now. She said it herself, and I didn't want to look desperate and I didn't want to upset her.

  "All we have to do is find the guy's family. I mean down in Gateway, Andrew Peters isn't a common name." She says before she reveals all of the dots leading to the Andrews registered in this city.

Alona didn't say anything, her expressions remained confused as did I. Before I could say anything, Lucas beat my words to it.

  "So how do we find the damn guy?" He asked,

  "We will have to go week by week." She explains,

  "We don't have weeks." Alona pointed out.

Oj got off the couch and walked up to the board. He took a few dots off of the board that only left 3 remaining suspects.

  "Your work is sloppy considering who you are. I mean, It's Andrew Peters, a male in his 20s probably, he doesn't have a ring bruise so he's not married, and he's the first with his name, so he wouldn't be a junior. That leaves, Andrew L Peters, Andrew M Peters or just Andrew Peters."

    Alona crossed her arms, "Why wouldn't we just go for Andrew with no middle name?"

  "I'm the son of a serial killer. You think they're not gonna give you a chase? I mean come on, that name is so obvious, so that checks him off the list. We just have to find Andrew M, and Andrew L. Whichever one without a hand is your guy." Oj assures as he smiles to himself, "Now, Shut the hell up and let me watch tv."

He was good. We should have had him take the lead cases before now. It would have made more sense. I mean, he was the son of Oliver, the IQ levels had to match or something.

  "Okay, now we just have to plan the attack, thank you, Oj and Rosalie for your help." I say before walking into the kitchen.

A little while later, I made my way to the rest of them expecting Rosalie to be gone but I caught the conversation of Alona and her.

  "How do you know his name? We never mentioned it." Alona asked,

That was true, I didn't recall mentioning such a thing to Rosalie about the guy's name and she walked in here knowing everything.

  "I told her." I spoke up getting both of their attention.

  "Oh...okay." Alona says before excusing herself leaving.

Once she left I turned towards Rosalie and I crossed my arms,

  "So, you wanna explain to me how you know about Andrew or do I have to tell Alona the truth?" I asked in a whisper.

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