3. A Boy's Love

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A/N: Here's Day 3: BL

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3. A Boy's Love

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His room was.... interesting.

It looked standard for a human's bedroom but there were... Posters? Pictures? Of mermaid things hung up on the walls. Fake fins and scales, trinkets made of seashells, and some were just paintings of mermaids. They were pretty, but, it confused me.

Sasaki seemed to realize my confusion, and I watched as his face erupted into a very red blush, its might outshining his ginger hair. He started hastily pulling down the items decorating his walls, and I held up a hand.

"You don't have to do that."

He stopped, his back to me, but I could see that his ears were still burning red. "Ah, sorry. I didn't realize—I forgot that I had these up, and..." He put what he had in his arms down on the desk in the corner. He covered his face with his hands and proceeded to whine into them. "This is so embarrassing!"

I tilted my head, and thought about it more. Okay, so he clearly liked mermaids, but that was a good thing for me! Another species liking another one was a lot better than hate. Most humans were prejudiced against mermaids because they confused us with the other merfolk—sirens, who actively hunted sailors.

I laughed a little, in hopes he would relax. "It's okay, really. Besides, these drawings are really pretty, and I'm glad you like mermaids so much since, you know, I am one."

Slowly, his tense shoulders dropped and he looked back at me. "I... When I was a kid, there was a mermaid I befriended, and he saved me too."

"What happened to him?"

Sasaki shook his head and looked away. "When the war happened, mermaids were cast out from here, and... and he was gone."

"Oh..." I rocked back a little on my feet. "I'm sorry. Maybe he made it out safely? I was young when the war happened... I just remember getting separated from my parents and getting picked up by a community that raised me and other orphaned kids."

Sasaki looked back at me and stepped closer, wearing a sad look. "I'm sorry you got separated from your parents... I wish I could help, but you're the first mermaid to appear here since the war."

I frowned. So the other mermaid communities were also plagued with whirlpools? Why was no one working to dispel them?

He pulled out a chair and motioned for me to sit. "I'll get the stuff and a brush, sit tight, 'kay?" He offered a smile, and I returned it.

It certainly felt easy being around him, and I wondered if that was a Soulmate thing? I looked around his room more, and found some books on a shelf. I grew eager at once, but refrained from getting up. I've always loved reading, and Yuki was the same way, while Juuya preferred fashion and beauty things.

Sasaki returned, and got to work on my hair. The spray he used in my hair smelled fruity and nice, and I marveled as it made my hair shine and grow sleek. It was easier for him to brush through the curls without making it worse. The spray he used was a 'de-tangler' and it worked better than magic.

"This, this is an amazing human product!" I gushed, beaming at him. "It usually takes hours to get all the tangles out when it gets this bad!" I ran my fingers through the silky feeling of my hair. The spray even made it feel softer. No wonder humans didn't need magic! They could invent such amazing things!

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