30➵ A ball to remember

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It was finally the day

Not just any day

The day

It was the day of my mafia ball. Not just anybody it was me. A once apon a time orphan who had nothing but a hand me down pink bunny to her name, named bun bun. I still have it by the way...

Then I became a daughter to one of the biggest gang leaders in America, an abused and sexually assaulted daughter may I add. Wishing that one day he'd finally beat me to death, not that I still don't...

I finally found my family after the jackass died. And that family just so happened to be the Italian mafia, and I just so happend to be the Italian mafia's long lost princess.

It's still hard to evens believe I escaped the nightmare that man had me living in daily, let alone all this.

It feels like a fucking fever dream. But the thing is I don't want to wake up.

I groan, rubbing my eyes as I lazily stare up at my dress hanging in my closet, looking as pretty as ever.

Fuck I have so much to do

And not enough time

How am I supposed to shower, shave, cover up all my bruises and scars, hair makeup, put the dress on and most importantly choose the right gun.

And garter, it has to match.

I tirelessly open my door practically stumbling my way down the stairs, not taking any note to all the half naked men on my kitchen.

"Sup," I mutter, while I search for my Greek yogurt in the fridge, I get a few mumbled mornings but it was kinda quite.

Once I get it, I open the plastic, "what?" I yawn, god is it so impossible to put a shirt on? "I don't know somethings... different," Nicholas mumbled, circling his knife around me.

A bunch of yeahs went of, with everybody giving me questioning looks. I scrunched my eyebrows, nothings different. "Yeah there is something, I just can't put my finger on it," Gio said coming closer to me.

My cousins were staying over for a few nights cause of the ball. It just made more sense for us all to be together.

What was so different- oh wait. Fuck I forgot, I straightened my hair. "Oh shit, I straightened my hair you dumb fucks," I laughed, geez for a bunch of mafia men they are stupid.

A chorus of ohs went of with everybody realizing now. "Mhm makes sense. It suites you," Ellio said coming close to swirl it around his finger, then fluff it.

"Fuck, it doesn't look like a frizzy mess when we touch it any more," Stefano had to say something. "Fuck off," I deadpanned flipping him off.

Fuck I couldn't evens argue when it wasn't styled it looked like an aged bird nest

I loved having my hair straight, but as much has I love my curls, they are to much work. My hair blowed out reaches my ass, it's so pretty and easy.

I quickly ate, checked my socials and was about to head up to get started when I was interrupted. "Athena be down by seven. Don't be late?" Antonello said but it came out as more of a question. I gave him a tight lipped smile, "of course" we both know that's not going to evens happen.

Him, Leo, Matteo and Camilio all looked like they were heading out now, which was strange cause I thought they were all staying at home. "Where are you going?"

They stopped in their steps, "we're taking care of business quick bambina. Don't worry we'll be home soon." Leo said, I wanted to argue, but I learned that sometimes it better to shut up. So I simple nodded and they all carried on going to the door and leaving.

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