14➵ Late night thoughts

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I woke up gasping for air my throat feeling like barb wire while my lungs felt like they were closing up

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I woke up gasping for air my throat feeling like barb wire while my lungs felt like they were closing up . I had just woken up from another nightmare about David.

How shocking

Sure the pills helped but it never always worked.

I tried to scratch around for some water cause my throat was dry like sand paper . All I found was a ton of empty water bottles laying on my bedside tables.


I tried to ignore the dry scratchy feeling in my throat and go back to sleep but that was becoming a near impossible task . Trying to rest my eyes and let the darkness consume me was doing nothing but bring me to my mind filled with dark thoughts .

When I just couldn't bring it in me to go to sleep I decided to head to the kitchen and get water . It was 2am and nobody should be awake I thought so I headed down in my short sleeping shorts that showcased a couple of my many bruises.

I jolted down to the kitchen my light footsteps couldn't evens be heard by how soft they were . I was about to turn into the kitchen when my ears perked to the sound of gruff voices . I peaked my head slowly around the corner to be met with the sight of my eldest brothers around a table with paper work and what looked to be whiskey in hand .

No surprise there

They all looked half drunk and looked to be having some type of converation so I decided to listen in on it.

Am I really dumb enough to do this... Yess I am.

"Does anybody know where Anastasios is at the moment?" I heard what I think to be Antonello asking firmly.

Who the fucks Anastasios ?

"No he's been in hiding ever since his last attack on our drug warehouses." Another grunted sounding like Matteo. "He's to pussy to face us."

"But he is planning something ... big" Stefano mumbeld more to himself sounding lost in thought. "Mhm have you told the others about what Xander had said... " Nic trailed off swirling around the whiskey in his glass, the liquid shining in his eyes. Matteo firmly nods his head back as a answer.

"They were all pissed especially Lucio we all now how the kid gets." Stefano scoffs under his breath . But I start to get curious as to who this guy is, and why their so pissed at him. My ears perk again to the sound of Antonello voice raising.

"He is trying to mess with us, get into our heads but we won't give him the satisfaction of seeing us run wild- we won't let anything happen to Athena." He said in his regular cold tone but sounded more adamant his comment coming out in more of a promise rather than a statement.

But what does any of this have to do with me !?

I tried to listen in closer when my hand slipped on the wall, when I tried to catch my balance I landed back on the wall with a loud thud clasping a hand over my mouth. Then all their drunken conversation halted and eyes glued to me staring like I've gone mad. I froze making eye contact with all of them, I didn't know what to do in that moment that I had been caught.

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