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We're all just a little crazy right?

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We're all just a little crazy right?

Hey guys!!

Welcome to Amoroso Athena

Thank you for clicking on this story, I really appreciate it, like a ton.

This book is a long lost mafia princess book cause you know they're the best and all


Rape/ abuse
Suicidal thoughts
Self harm
Drug abuse/ addiction

Alcohol abuse

Strong language
• Violence
• Smut

Note— I'm not going to give a warning everytime there is a trigger, this is the warning
If your effected by this don't read this book


I don't speak any of the languages in this book so don't expect it to be correct. If you have a issue take it up with Google translate not me

Copy right/ hate

Honestly I'd never steal anybodies work that's like the lowest of low, they worked hard on it and me stealing that is wrong. And don't steal my work and if you do I'll come for yall ( I'm serious)

Anways and if you want to accuse me of stealing than okay. But I'd just like to say that this trope is a a very common trope and the ideas are almost always the same.

But don't hate if there is something wrong tell me nicely, and if you feel things are of or I don't know whatever let me know . If you have nothing nice to say rather shut up


So I appreciate everyone that read and votes and comments on this book. I'm really going to try and make this a interesting book so buckle up for all the drama,  there is tons here.

And just a reminder I'm also a unfortunately living breathing human aswell. I make mistakes. It's okay. I'll try and fix them but I'm always gonna miss them.

Evens the characters in here you might sometimes find dramatic or annoying or  irritating but there's a reason for everything  and why they act like that.

I also gave my main character curly hair cause, I myself have uncontrollable curly hair that takes a millennium to style. And I feel like we need more curly girls out there. So like me she has long pretty curls.

Oh and there's like no Xander in this book can you believe??? I was going to put one in but my dear sister said hell no she's tired of them and I quote "I don't want a prick brother!" So there isn't one just a brother that is asshole sometimes not a Xander

And this book will have harsh topics that may be messy and sad at time.

And I love live and breath drama so there is a shit tone here. And I try to make it descriptive and I hope yall are like me that enjoy when the characters are hurt... evens though it's really weird.
(But it's for the drama)

So I guess this book is dedicated to us crazy people who love drama

Lastly I hope you enjoy this intising, dramatically loveable book

Lastly I hope you enjoy this intising, dramatically loveable book

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