7➵ The Talk

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Before the talk

All the oldest brothers sat in the living room trying to figure out their baby sister

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All the oldest brothers sat in the living room trying to figure out their baby sister. Nicholas was watching her worriedly taking in her frantic state, Matteo and Stefano looked like they wanted to punch a hole in the wall seeing her tear stained cheeks, with Antonello watching her carefully not believing her half truthful excuses.

But they all came across nothing... unable to come up with a reason to her unsteady state.

Soon after Athena left to her bedroom Adriano, Luca, Lucio and Ellio came walking through the doors looking around for Athena who was nowhere to be seen.

They handed the bags of clothes to the guards who would go and take them up to her room later.

Once they caught sight of their older brothers gathered in the living room they made their way to them, taking up all the space, they sat in confused silence.

Antonello cleared his throat gaining all there attention. "Boys we have some things to discuss before Athena gets here." He said coldly and they all nod for him to continue.

"As we all now she's in the underground—the answer to how, are why she is part of it is still fucking unknown." He states blankly but his jaw was clenched as well as his fists, the others hum and furrow their eyebrows.

No matter how deep they looked or how far their best hackers searched they found... nothing.

"So... we have to find out anything to do with her involvement." He trailed of but the brothers all narrowed their eyes at him, remaining lost.

"Don't go to soft on her we need to know the truth... but don't be to harsh on her I know how some of you get, when you aren't given answers." Antonello sighed pointing his gaze at Lucio,Stefano and Matteo in specific, the three roll their eyes at him but hum in response.

"And... the family have been informed of her return they want to meet her soon." He scoffed and they all sigh rubbing their foreheads.

They sat in silence think a hundred different things about their baby sister... and why her out of all people is in the underworld. What could've happend in her short life to get her there of all places?

"And it's clear she's hiding something." Antonello trailed of resting his elbows on his knees "I'm just not sure what."

When you were set to be the future Don of the Italian mafia from the start of your life you spend a lot of time reading people... or better if you've been through evens half of what the oldest Armani has been through— you learn alot about the strange ways of how people act.

It was clear to him that something is going on with his baby sister but she was so closed off and kept up such a blank front he couldn't quite make out what it could've been.

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