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How do you go from texting my daily,
To meeting each other daily,
To making jokes with me,
To make me feel like I'm the happiest person alive,
To make me feel I'm worth something,
To make me think that YOU felt the same for me,
Just for you to,
stop responding my messages,
Ignoring my existence,
Ghosting me,
Cheating on me,
Gaslighting me,
Manipulate me,
Lied to me,
Making me cry,
I don't understand how you could make me feel like,
I'm someone special to you,
And left me hanging,
I thought you cared about me,
I thought you loved me,
I thought I worth something to you,
It hurts to knowing that I didn't make you feel,
the same way u made me feel,
Now we're just strangers with memories

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