Chapter 75

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"I think maybe I just won't go to work today," Harry says, hesitating on putting his Vans on as he sits on the edge of the bed.

I give him a deadpan look. "For the last time, I am fine, Harry. You can't just not show up at work for all your appointments."

He shoots me a warning expression right back. "You know what the doctor said, Row. You're due next week and this is when you have to be the most careful. You shouldn't be here by yourself, and I shouldn't be a 45-minute drive away–an hour with traffic."

Rather than arguing with him, knowing that there's nothing I can say to keep him from worrying, I simply nod and walk around the bed to hold his shoulders in front of me. He places both hands on the sides of my beach ball of a belly in return.

"I'll call my mom or Celine and have them come over to keep me company, alright?"

That doesn't seem to help him at all. His worried look stays intact. "If anything happens to you–"

"Stop," I squeeze his shoulders. "The doctor said there's no reason why I won't have a typical, normal, healthy birthing experience."

"The doctor also said that your blood pressure is abnormally high and you've been having cramps," he reminds me.

"Well, I just went and saw her yesterday," I shrug. "If something was terribly wrong, I'm sure she would have known. What could have changed between yesterday and today if I still feel the same?"

He groans in frustration, nearly cutting me off as he rubs his face with both hands. "I don't want to go to work."

I laugh, raking my fingers through his hair. "Is that what this is about? You're using me as an excuse to stay home from work?"

He's smiling a little as he drops his hands, but it's too forced for comfort. "Please answer if I call you, okay? And please call your mum or sister. I don't want you here by yourself. I mean it."

I try to nod seriously but he sounded like such a dad just then. It's a turn-on for sure. "Okay. Promise."

Still reluctant, he breathes in deeply through his nose and exhales from his mouth, kissing the top of my bump before he stands to kiss my forehead, then my lips.

"I love you," he murmurs over my mouth.

"I love you," I kiss him once more before he steps into his shoes and grabs his phone from the bed.

He helps me walk down the stairs but promptly demands that I don't try walking back up the stairs until my mom or Celine comes over to help me. I agree to give him peace of mind, but I haven't had any trouble doing that by myself yet. I might have to go slower, but I'm not incapable.

"Call me if you need anything, yeah?" He kisses my cheek in the front doorway.

"Yeah, and I'll see you at like six, right?"

He nods and leans over to kiss my belly over my shirt one last time. "Be good."

"Bye," I laugh against his lips for the final kiss, watching him walk to his car parked next to mine in the driveway.

I lock myself in the house and turn to see Scout just sitting there, sweeping his tail across the floor while waiting for me to make a move. When he started acting more protective of me, Harry searched whether or not dogs can sense pregnancy, and it turns out that they can. So, at the very least, Harry can know that Scout is looking out for me when he's away.

"Well?" I drag my feet toward the kitchen to make myself a post-breakfast snack. "What are we doing today, Scout? I don't know if I can take another day confined to the couch."

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