Untitled Part 52

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Julie has lose a bit of weight- he wanted to be less buff because he couldn't find cute clothes in his size- too much having to fix his clothes made him not like being buff, also he was tired of transphobic comments based on the fact that transphobic people assume transwomen are just men in dresses.

Now he's almost as skinny as Tris but still not as skinny.

He's one hundred and six pounds instead of one hundred and eighty pounds so he's weight as much as Kian does.

Jess is one ninety pounds, he gained ten pounds, despite eating mainly salads and walking a lot at work to get supplies and stuff.


Julie found out his mother's trip cancelled so she came come over.

His friends and boyfriend have met her before.

"Julietta you're wasting anyway. "Said Mrs. Garcia.

"I wanted to lose weight. "Said Julie.

"You need to eat more. "Said Mrs. Garcia.

Everyone could relate to this somehow.

Granted for Tris and Vance it's more of grandmother doing this- Tris doesn't have a mom and well Vance's mother isn't a nurturing woman, she's called her child fat just because they wanted a sandwich instead of those green meals that are nothing but sugar.

Also Tris has also heard the you need to eat more comment from his dads it when it's from his dads it's them being concerned and worried, when he heard it from people he went to school as a kid it was more of a "Do you have a eating disorder ?"


Braiden and Vance showed Margie around.

She met Braiden's coworkers.

One guy did make a comment about her being a milf.

Braiden didn't like that strictly because that dude cause her a dark chocolate milf and he wanted to slap the guy for saying that.

That's also the same guy who questioned Vance's gender identity and keep asking if Braiden was still gay.

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