57- A Day of Truth And Lies Pt.1

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Jimin bought corndogs and gimbaps for takeout. He is going to Jungkook's workplace and spend a short afternoon break with him.

He was nervous but he strived to let go of his doubts and be more sensible. He planned to have an open heart to heart conversation with his fiancé.

He was now certain that there's nothing that he should be worried about although he does want to talk about the woman and learn about Jungkook's past relationships.

He read somewhere that if the relationship is free of insecurities and is strong, talking about previous ones won't be a problem but it would help partners understand each other and become closer.

Therefore, he believes it will be beneficial for both of them. It will make him understand and slowly start to learn more about Jungkook's other side of things like what were his experiences in his past love affairs, what he had been through in them.

Trust and transparency is the key for a long lasting, strong relationship. He should let go of his insecurities and anxieties and open up with his fiancé and make his fiancé open up to him as well.


He was able to learn upon calling the secretary that Jungkook will be in his office at the time he will arrive. He took a taxi and went to one of the towering and grand JuJeon group's modern buildings, carrying a bit of nervous anticipation and the usual excitement he feels everytime he is about to see the man he loves.

When Jimin reached the exclusive floor of his CEO- husband's office, the secretary, Gyuri, wasn't at her desk.

He thought it would be nice to surprise Jungkook and directly went to quietly open his office's door.

From a slightly opened door, smiling and holding a bag of takeout foods, he took a careful peep inside, readying to say a surprise hello.

What he saw surprised him instead and caused him to feel queasy as his heart was striked with a violent stabbing pain.

Jimin's mouth gaped open, his eyes turned round and wide with harrowing disbelief at what unfolded before him.

He saw a woman with Jungkook, the two standing behind the desk, their faces pressed together and it looked like they were kissing and hugging from Jimin's perspective a few meters away.

Jungkook's back is facing him, the woman's arms were around Jungkook's neck, Jungkook seemed to be embracing her as well as his hands were holding the other's waist.

Jimin was certain it was the woman from the morning in the apartment eventhough he wasn't able to totally see her actual face because it was partly hidden behind Jungkook's head while they were kissing. Her clothes are the same though and there's no mistaking with her figure and her hair.

Jimin's voice was lost within him. He was shocked to his core that it rendered him immobile and mute for a few seconds. He turned away unnoticed by Jungkook. He walked briskly towards the elevator, his mind in total disarray, only the scene from the office awhile ago was torturing his mind.

When he was inside the elevator it was only then he felt his knees almost giving in and his glassy eyes had let his tears to fall. In weak, slow steps he walked out of it and away from the building and wandered aimlessly along the road with blurry vision as his eyes were overflowing with tears.

Jimin sat on a bench at a corner of a sidewalk, his body devoid of energy. His mind was trying to register and decipher everything that he saw, everything that's happened during that day.

He couldn't make himself believe of the possibility that Jungkook is betraying him, that Jungkook is playing him... that Jungkook's words and actions of love were absolute lies.

MISSTEPS OF LOVE / Jikook Kookmin MinggukWhere stories live. Discover now