21- A Friend's Heartbreak

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Jimin dried his eyes and decided he already had enough of feeling like a poor, pitiful being and got out of the sophisticated toilet stall when Jin entered the restroom.

Jin was frowning and murmuring unintelligibly, annoyance showing on his face but also tears are rolling down his cheeks. He was crying in irritation.

He was surprised to see Jimin there and so was Jimin as he didn't totally fix his post-crying face yet.

"Oh! You scared the hell out of me!" Jin chuckled nervously.

Jimin smiled weakly. "You surprised me too...Y-You look..not quite okay. What's the deal with you and Namjoon hyung?" While he asked, Jimin went to look at himself in the mirror and started to fix the smudges under his eyes and freshened his make up. He did put on some simple light make up for the occasion to look presentable.

"N-Nothing.." Jin replied.

Jimin turned to face his friend, his brows furrowed. He held Jin's shoulders in a caring way. Now, he starts to worry about Jin. He isn't usually like this. Jin is always cheerful and giggles like a child with no problems. He just noticed his friend is crying too aside from looking so troubled.

"Jin, something big's going on between you two if he manages to affect you like this. If you need someone to talk about it, you can tell me. I am your friend but then if you wanted to just keep it to yourself it is fine by me, I respect your decision but I want to make sure you are okay."

Jin sighed heavily. He looked around carefully if no one else was there and walked to the restroom door to lock it. He decided to tell Jimin. He couldn't contain it any longer.

"This is not the right place to talk about it but.. Gosh! My insides are about to burst." He clutched his stomach and wiped his wet cheeks.

"O-Okay.. inhale..exhale...breathe in and breathe out.. " Jimin tried to calm Jin's nerves. Jin also follows.

"T-that man.."

"Yes, Namjoon. What about him?.."

"That man was my first.."

"First? F-First what?.."

Jin blushed furiously, "My first.. first.. I lost my virginity to him." He looked down, embarrassed.

Jimin's mouth opened in a big O together with his almond eyes becoming wide and round with shock.

"W-What?! You mean.. you.. why didn't you tell us about that? I-It's such a big thing and you kept it from us.. when did this happen? How did you even meet? I-I never even knew you have interest in romantic relationships. Oh so-sorry, okay, continue.. I was just really surprised, sorry."

"I didn't really tell you because I was scared you would judge me. and scold me and call me stupid. I mean yes, I was stupid b-but.. I really lost my sensibilities at that time.. I.. just.. I thought I love him...yes..I think I loved him. It was my first time to feel that way towards another man. I didn't know better. I got fooled." Then Jin wept all over again. "It turned out he was just playing with me.. I was just a b-bet, a bet!" Jin blurted out sadly.

"Oh! Jinnie loves,.please don't cry. Whatever happened, it couldn't be your fault. There is nothing to be ashamed of.. how could you know that he is a lying asshole?" Jimin felt so sad seeing Jin like that and he is starting to boil mad for the person who caused it.

."I met him just six weeks ago, when I went to Switzerland for a short break remember?"

Jimin nodded.

"He said he was studying there and will be there for a year. Now, I think everything he told me was a lie. He is suddenly here! Or maybe he just came for his cousin's wedding...I don't know anymore... I instantly got attracted to him when we bumped into each other in a bookstore. You can see how he is so charming, with his dimpled smile and all. He invited me for a dinner that day and I was just.. I don't know I let all caution fly with the wind. We had dinner and from then on, we did almost everything together everyday. He was funny and sweet. We went to museums, shopping, fishing, skiing, late night movies, eating out at different restaurants, even camping. Before I knew it, I fell head over heels in love with him just after a few short weeks, not even reaching a month.. I was such a fool!" Jin snifled.

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