31- The Runaway Groom

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The place was decorated with gorgeous flowers of white, purple and pink. Contrary to what was planned, the collosal place is filled with more than a hundred elegantly dressed people looking their best, faces made up beautifully for the extraordinary special ceremony. The ambiance is charged with wealth, elegance and class. Jungkook's heart is at its most nerve wrecking, palpitating in excitement and nervousness, sending a kind of queasy , but at the same time pleasant tingles in his stomach. He was trained to look cool and relax even under stressful circumstances or in any situations but this time his face shows a changing picture of emotions, standing in anticipation in front of so many guests, waiting for his groom to walk down the aisle. Sometimes he will smile and sometimes he will be serious and sometimes he would look lost. He is nervous, anxious and excited. He turned to his side to take in an encouraging smile from Namjoon, his best man. Namjoon patted his back to reassure him. There were Jimin's friends, Taehyung and Jin and Mr. Park in the front row with his father who was beaming with pride. He restrains himself from looking at his watch but he feels that it's taking a long time for Jimin to appear. He is starting to worry.

Then the large, high doors opened and appeared his groom in white tuxedo, looking immaculate and very beautiful like an ethereal angel that just landed from heaven, the sun ray's shining, illuminating him from behind that makes him look more magical. He is walking towards him gracefully but with a shy, uncertain smile, beside him is his stepbrother, Hobi. A happiness so overwhelming invaded his heart setting aside all other emotions. Gazing at his groom to be, he feels this is the rightest moment he had experienced yet, and there is the rightest person to be with, Jimin, walking towards him slowly. He can't wait to take his hand and do their vows then his life will be the rightest it could ever be.

 He can't wait to take his hand and do their vows then his life will be the rightest it could ever be

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Then finally, Jimin is near him. He is about to take his outreached hand. But suddenly he saw Jimin's hesitation and the boy pulled back, making Jungkook's hand grip on nothing but air. He was taken by surprise.

"J-Jimin? W-What's wrong?"

"I..I can't..I can't do this... I'm sorry Jungkook." Jimin softly muttered, his tone regretful and teary. And then the smaller guy turned his back on the gawking taller guy and started to run away.

"Nooo! Jimin! Wait! Stop!"

But the younger kept on running not looking back.

"Close the door! Close the door! Don't let him escape!" Jungkook shouted in panic running after his groom to be. But he can't easily move fast as people who are also moving in confusion are blocking his way.

"Jimin! Jimin! No! Stay! Stay! Stay please!"

Jungkook suddenly jerked up from his slumber. He looked around. He is in the living room on the sofa. 'It's all a dream' but his heart is hammering furiously in his chest and he is catching his breath. It felt so real. The happiness, the excitement and the fear.

'What the hell! What was that all about?!" He cursed silently while clutching his chest as if it's in pain. He looked at the time. It's three in the morning.

A few hours ago, he came from Jimin's house, unsuccessful in talking to him as the younger male was already asleep when he arrived there. It seemed Jimin went home earlier than what was expected and went to sleep immediately. That was what Hobi told him. So, when Jungkook came home, tired from work and driving to and from Jimin's place, he just took off his tie, unbuttoned his shirt, unbuckled and removed his belt, then slumped his exhausted body on the sofa. Jungkook felt drained. It's mostly not from physical work but his mental stress is making him feel fatigued. The younger male is still avoiding him. He doesn't answer his calls or messages. He feels anxious not being able to reconcile with him still. God knows why Jimin makes him feel this way, flustered and unsettled and he damn misses him so much, he can't understand why. He wants to see him, hear his voice, feel his hand or skin, be with him. What Hobi told him keeps bothering him to no end that Jimin is considering not going through with their planned marriage. It just doesn't sit right with him. Then, he decided to flick on the t.v. and just watched what was showing on cable, not really into it but he just watched unmindfully. It's about a bride who always runs away from her weddings then he fell asleep. 'Thus his dream maybe,' Jungkook guessed. But he is unaware that his subconscious thoughts is being diverged into his dream. He entered into his room lazily and laid down on his bed to have a proper sleep, forgetting even to wash and that he haven't eaten any food since his lunch.


Come afternoon, Jungkook was listening to a presenter of their company's public relations team for their hotel brand, when he received a call from his famous designer family-friend, the one Jimin and him went to before.

"Hello, Jessi. Is this about our wedding suits cause I am still in a meeting? I will call you back after half an hour maybe."

"Oh I see. sorry to interrupt, Jungkook. I know you are a busy man but can you somehow find time to take good care of your fiancé."

"Jimin? Why? What do you mean?" Hearing about Jimin suddenly put Jungkook on alert.

"Well, I kinda expect you aren't aware cause if you knew, you won't allow him to do this kind of lowly work. Carrying heavy things, being commanded to run here and there and just do these non-classy stuffs when he is the fiancé of a CEO and sole heir  to a multimillion dollar company! Or do you know about this? And since he does want to do part time jobs, why can't you allow him to model for my new collection?"

"Slow down, Jessi. What do you mean by Jimin working somewhere, doing some stuffs? Did you see him? Where is he right now?"

'He is here in our fashion photoshoot. I just talked to him a while ago. He seemed to have accepted some small part time job for this media production company I hired for my brand's campaign. He shouldn't be doing these kind of menial job, Jungkook, when he can be a model or just concentrate on his studies and just enjoy  after school activities."

"Look, Jessi, this modeling thing, it is not my call. I have no right to tell him what to do or what not to. But if you ask me, I don't want him to. But it's his say not mine. I will go there as soon as this meeting ends. Where is this photoshoot you say?"

So, restlessly, Jungkook  forced himself to listen to the presentation but he just half-listened and inattentively waited for the meeting to end. He controlled himself from bolting out of there and just drive away to get to where Jimin is. He kept moving in his seat like he is on fire and looking at the time.

He can't wait to go see Jimin.


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