46- The Charm Bracelet

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Jungkook's mood is over the moon. At the office, after talking to Jimin, he can't erase the beaming smile on his face.

He is a bit frustrated though that Jimin wouldn't be there in the house anymore when he gets home and he wouldn't be able to spend the whole day with him.

And he still didn't hear the four words he longed to hear from Jimin 'I love you too.'. The younger didn't answer him back when he said he loves him on the phone but just ended the call immediately. A little stinging pain hit his heart.

He doesn't expect the younger male will immediately reciprocate his feelings after every hurtful things he did to him.

Nevertheless, he is still in a very happy mood with what happened that wee hour of the morning. Their kiss is still so vivid in his mind and in all of his senses, continuously causing a very pleasant, giddy flutters inside him, a feeling totally out of this world.

For now, he plans to let Jimin feel his sincerity and be a better man for him, then at the right time, he will ask him to accept  and very hopefully return his feelings.


The two friends went downstairs after Jimin also finished getting ready. They found Namjoon there waiting for them seated on the living room sofa. His smile was wide when he saw Jin coming down the stairs and stood up. "Good morning." He happily greeted.

"Good morning, Joonie." Jin answered back with the same big smile as Namjoon's.

"Good morning, Namjoon hyung." Jimin greeted back.

"How were your sleep?
Late breakfast is ready. Come."

The three ate together and chatted pleasantly. Jin and Namjoon were behaving like newly married couple, with all the adoring glances, sweet talks and signals they hurled at each other.

Jimin found himself missing Jungkook.

After their sumptuous meal, Namjoon invited them in the entertainment room where they can choose what to do to pass away the time while waiting for the storm to subside and be on the road at a safer condition.

The two lovers chose to play video games while Jimin just chose a book he found interesting and made himself comfortable in a little corner and got engrossed with reading.

Mr. Jeon Junghee surprised the trio when he walked in unexpectedly. Although Namjoon already knew that his uncle got home in the early morning, told to him by the caretaker, he didn't know he missed work today and is in the house as Namjoon himself woke up late.

Namjoon introduced Jin to his uncle as his boyfriend, which made Jin's ears red with self-consciousness but he was secretly pleased and flattered. Mr. Jeon was very delighted to meet Jin and afterwards he warmly turned to Jimin. He kindly invited him in his study, needing to talk to him privately, he reasoned.


After working on some papers and doing a video call meeting at his desk for a few hours, Jungkook had some time to relax and he recalled back everything again, their kiss swirling around his head every chance it gets.

Thinking about Jimin, he can't seem to stay still and stay where he is. His every nerve fiber is longing to see the younger male.

His self-control is about to snap and in just a matter of minutes, Jungkook stands from his seat, left his desk and his office, gave his personal assistant - secretary, Gyuri, some important instructions and drove his car towards his home where Jimin most probably still is, he hopes. He called Namjoon to know and asked him to keep the younger there  and not to tell that he is coming.

MISSTEPS OF LOVE / Jikook Kookmin MinggukWhere stories live. Discover now