“What if you regret your choice?” I confessed. “How do you know that two years from now you won’t be pissed off that you gave up everything and all you got was a mediocre home in a small ass town?”

“I don’t know what I’ll be doing in two years, but I sure as hell know I won’t be regretting my choice.”

“You can’t know that for sure.”

“I can, Butterfly because I’m choosing the woman I love and our miracle that we made together. Hell, in two years I might be trying to convince you to give me another miracle.”

A tear escaped, but Glenn was quick to wipe it away with his thumb. He leaned in a pressed a sweet kiss to my lips, “I love you, Emory Bishop.”

“I love you too, Glenn.”

A huge grin spread across his face, “Say it again.”

I giggled and grabbed his face with my hands, “I love you so fucking much, Glenn Barnes. I don’t understand it, but who the hell am I to fight it?”

“I know you are used to fighting, but don’t fight this.”

“So….what now?”

“Not sure,” he shrugs, “I’ve never quit a job before. I guess I should call it resigning because that sounds better. I’ll have to call my boss and speak with him. They’ll probably expect me to meet with the hospital board as well. I’ll also need to give them an end date, that is the least I can do.”

“And then what? You want to move here?”

“If you’ll have me. I know it is a lot of big changes, so we can take things one at a time. If you don’t want to live together I can find an apartment or rent out a room at the hotel.”

“Don’t you think it would be silly for you to live somewhere else?”

“Emory,” he laughs, “You’re being awfully impossible right now. More than anything I’d like to be here full time with you and Callum. I want to tuck him in every night, share the evening feedings, and get him ready in the morning so you can get some extra sleep or just worry about getting yourself to work, but I’m giving you the option because this is a huge change for the both of us.”

“And you promise you won’t end up regretting this?”

“No, Butterfly,” he gently kisses my forehead, “The only thing I’ll ever regret is missing out on your pregnancy and Callum’s first few months.”

“You didn’t know,” I remind him of the obvious. 

“I didn’t know, but that doesn’t mean I don’t regret not being there. I’m making it up by being there for everything else, okay?”

“Yeah,” I put my hand on his face, “This is probably the craziest thing I’ve ever done, but I’m all in Glenn. I just have one question.”

“Anything, Emory.”

“Can I still call you Doctor?”

Glenn playfully growled and I could feel his cock growing between the two of us, “I swear the God the second he goes down for a nap I’m bending you over wherever you are and fucking you so hard.”

I bit down on my bottom lip, “Sounds like a deal.”


I stepped out of the shower when I heard the doorbell ring. It was the middle of the work day and I wasn’t expecting any guests. Everybody in my family knew what was going on with Callum and that I wouldn’t be at work today. Kelsey even sent me a text to tell me she’d change our shared drive password if I attempted any work. Normally I would have called her bluff, but Glenn made sure that I went nowhere near my computer today. Once Callum went down for his morning nap, he pulled me into the bedroom and did all the things he promised he would. I'm pretty sure I made him orgasm early when I called him doctor in my huskiest voice. He made up for the early discharge a couple of times over. When Callum was ready to get up, Glenn was out of bed before I even registered his crying.

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