Broken Ties

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"Oh my gawdd" I chirped as I stuffed my mouth with the noodles he had made.

I was sitting next to him on the couch and we were both having the noodles.

"What if I poisoned it?" He said as he looked at me squinting his eyes.

"Well.. it's worth it" I said casually taking another bite of the chicken in the noodles.

He laughed but his laugh sounded nervous,  I looked at him to find him swirling his chopsticks around in the bowl clearly lost in thought.

I contemplated if I should ask something or not.
Would I overstep my bounds?

"You know,  its better to take action now than regret later" I said philosophically with my chopsticks pointing at the ceiling , my voice pulling him out of his trance.

"What-" he asked looking directly at me.

I repeated the qoute I had said earlier as his brows furrowed , seeing this I poked his forehead with my index finger and said
"It's better to eat your noodles now then when they go cold, silly"

He looked disappointed as he chuckled lightly.

He resumed eating too and I felt relieved.
"You know , you can tell me anything" I stated after a few seconds in a reassuring tone.

I faced him and stared in his eyes again.
"We're friends,  you can trust me " I assured him as I nodded my head lightly.

He nodded after a few seconds of studying my face and resumed eating.

We were quiet for a while and we finished eating, we set our plates on the table in front of us and sat there quietly.

I didn't know what to say , I told him to trust me like an idiot and he hasn't initiated anything that he wants to tell me!  I feel foolish
I've made everything awkward

I started getting up in a rush so I can run away from this place , I Bowed down in a haste and I said
"Thank you for having me over , and thank you for the meal"
I looked at him with a small smile.

"What is going on,  y/n?" He said as i extended my hand to grab my hoodie.

He stood up too

"I'll take my leave now" I stated and turned around to leave.

"Y/n! Wait!" He called as he came after me and turned me around.

"What did I do? I feel like i did something?" He said as he gripped both my shoulders,  his cold fingers touching my bare skin,  sending shivers down my spine and giving me goosebumps.

He looked concerned as he gazed into my eyes.
My eyes softened as I realized that he probably hasn't experienced being open with someone like the way I offered him to be before.

"Or is this about him? Are you now in love with him?" He asked as now his grip on my shoulders tightened.

What the hell

"Why do you care? Oh because we're friends? What if I say yes?" I asked as he pissed me off.

Why friendzone me and then act all jealous.

"I.. will let you do what makes you happy" he said after thinking intently for a while and he sounded distant.

"And what if it doesn't?" I asked
Hoping he'd say something that I wanna hear.

"Then I'll help you get out of that situation" he said gazing into my eyes , searching.

"Why?" I asked

His hands loosened around my shoulders and slowly he backed away.
"Because we're ...friends?" I asked.

He hesitated for a while but finally Said
"Yes , we're friends  what else would we ever be ? " he said and laughed.

He saw that I looked sad and hurt from his reply and the sudden change in his behavior and he continued
"Wait , you couldn't possibly have thought that I actually like you ? Did you ? Oh my ! How naive are you y/n ? I was always just bullying you back then !! But you don't need to worry anymore, we're friends now" he cooed at the end mockingly and poked my nose .
He chuckled like his usual bully self and his hands slid in his pockets.

Tears threatened to fill my eyes as I nodded and gazed at the floor and held them back with all my might.

What did I even expect? This guy is officially unpredictable!
One minute he behaves nice and the next an a-hole.
I'm officially done.

"I hate you , we're nothing" I spat and turned around to storm off.

"You shouldn't leave yet" he said plainly

I didn't listen and kept on sprinting until I was outside on the street and I continued walking away at a fast pace as tears now started flowing down my eyes.

I just wanted to stop and cry.
I was walking down the street and I could barely walk without running into someone by mistake.

Suddenly as I ran into a person's chest they hugged me and rubbed my back and I felt a jacket wrap around my shoulder and back.
"What happened y/n?" Asked Tan who was now hugging me even tighter.

"Young do called me to come pick you up , did he do something to you ?!" He asked as he backed away and looked into my eyes with concern.

"Young do called you ?" I asked with watery eyes and shivering voice.

I felt my heart break entirely.

"Yeah , I was shocked and angry, why was he near you? " he admitted and his Hands wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"I hate him" I admitted.

"Did he touch you ?" He asked in a firm voice with killer vibes.

"No , I just hate him" I said As I sniffled.

"I do too" he said as he pulled me closer and hugged me to his chest.

After a few minutes when I felt ok, he took us to a nearby park and we sat on a bench.

He didn't let go of me even for a second and kept asking me if I was okay.

He interlaced our fingers and he constantly comforted me.
It made me feel guilty for liking someone else while being engaged to him.

"Tan" I uttered quietly.

He looked at me.

"I'm sorry for avoiding you the past couple weeks" I apologized.

"Don't,  I understand,  it was a lot for you , I on the other hand practically made our parents force this on you because i have loved you so much for so long , i should've asked you first. " He  monologed

When did he get so gentle and understanding ?
I wondered.

"I'll try to love you too" I admitted looking at him and making his eyes widen.

"You will ??!!" He asked baffled.

I nodded slowly.

He suddenly picked me up princess style and spun me around surprising me.


"I'M SO HAPPY ,Y/N!!!" He chirped excitedly making me smile a little.

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