19 Together

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Nat, Steve and I separate from each other as we go after the Chitauri.
I killed any Chitauri I saw, when my area was clear for the moment I decided to go back to the bridge to see if I could find Nat and Steve.

I saw Nat get slammed against the hood of a car by a Chitauri. Just as I was running to help I slowly down as I watch her grab his neck causing it to spark that the moment he dropped her she grabbed his weapon and used it against him before spinning around and almost shot Steve as he jumped over the side of the bridge.

    "Captain, none of this is going to mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal." Nat said catching her breath.

   "Our biggest guns couldn't touch it." Steve said just as I reached them.

    "Well, maybe it's not about guns." Nat said looking up at the portal.

    "If you want to get up there, you're going to need a ride." Steve said.

    "I got a ride." Nat told us as she dropped the Chitauri weapon and walked over to the side of the bridge. "I could use a boost, though."
Steve backed up and held his shield forward.

    "Are you sure about this." Steve asks.

    "Yeah. It's gonna be fun. (Y/n) tell me when." She said as I watched one of the Chitauri in there rides about two reach the bridge.

    "Now." I say and Nat ran forward jumping onto Steve's Shield as he pushed her up so she was able to grab hold of the Chitauri.
Are peace was soon interrupted when a blast hit the the bridge close beside us. We turn to see many more Chitauri's approaching.
We run forward, I avoid almost every attack made at me I block. I fight well only occasionally losing my focusing to check on Steve or to see if anything else was approaching.


"Captain, Barnes, the bank on 42nd past Madison. They've cornered a lot of civilians in there." Clint told us just as we finished off the ones attacking us.

"We're on it." Steve said giving me a nod before we left heading towards the bank.


Silently we jumped through the previous broken window. Steve threw his shield at the first Chitauri that had an explosive.
That caught the attention of the other Chitauri in the building. They began to shoot at us but followed Steve we leapt behind a desk.

We kicked the desk forward slamming into the other two Chitauri. One jumped at me from the side but I turned just in time to block his blade. Steve ran forward punching one before throwing him over the railing where all the people were.
"Everyone! Clear out!" Steve yelled.

"Steve!" I yelled as I threw the Chitauri that attacked me to the ground and saw another grab Steve. Out of the corner of my eye I see the first one Steve hit stand up aiming his spear at Steve about to shoot. I pulled out my gun and shoot causing the Chitauri to miss hitting Steve just as I got slammed to ground and felt a pain at the side of my stomach. A Chitauri held me to the ground causing Steve not to see me as he jumped out. Before I or the Chitauri could do anything we were slammed against the wall.
My body ached as I pushed the very dead Chitauri off my body. Something warm slowed dripped down my forehead, which by the smell and the pain I guessed it was blood.

"Steve!" I weakly call but he didn't answer.
I gave myself a couple minutes to regain my strength before pushing myself up and threw myself from the window. I my communication was static but not completely lost. I reached the conclusion that Steve thought I was dead.
I slightly limped through the empty streets till I came upon a group of ten of Chitauri.

"Well, no cameras should still be working. I'm tired, in pain and I really just don't care if anyone does see." I say to myself as the Chitauri run forward and I calmly walk.
With the simple wave of my hand the first three closest to me are thrown against a building. The next two let out screeches in pain before they drop dead.
The others started shooing at me but I blocked and redirected the blast back at themselves.
Like I said before, I was used to kill, no matter how hard I try to cover it up.

"I-I... close it." I heard Nat say as her voice cut in and out. "...Copy... shut the.. port."

"Do it!" I heard Steve answer.

"N-no, wait." Tony said.

"Stark, th-these... things... still come.." Steve's voice said.

"... Got a nuke... gonna blow in.. less than a minute." Tony said before it went completely silent.

"Stupid technology." I mutter as I run off attempting to find the others.


"Steve!" I smile as I run over to him and Thor who stood together in the middle of a street.

"What happened, why didn't you say anything?" Steve asked looking at me.

"I couldn't my thing got broken in the explosion, I was still kinda able to hear you guys." I say with a smile.

At that moment we all went quite and looked up as Tony passed over with the nuke and redirected it up towards the portal. Relief washed over me as I watched Tony make it in the portal.
All the Chitauri dropped to the ground motionless.

We keep our eyes on the sky waiting for Tony but he didn't come.

"Close it." Steve said.

I watched as the portal quickly began to close but just as it closed I saw a figure falling from the sky.

"Son of a gun." Steve said.

"Something's wrong." I say as Tony continues to fall.

"He's not slowing down." Thor noticed getting ready to jump.

But just as Tony reached a building a giant green figure leaped through the sky grabbing a hold of Tony and sliding down the building before jumping off and crashing to the street.

We ran over to the Hulk as he put Tony on the floor.

Thor who was the first to reach him, flipped him over.

"Is he still breathing?" I asked as I stopped beside Steve.
Thor ripped off the helmet as Steve bent over to listen but slowly sat up.

"He can't be." I say as we look at the motionless Tony.

Hulk let out a roar and Tony's eyes flung open as he gasped for breath.

"What the hell?" Tony breathed. "What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me."

"We won." Steve finally answered and Tony let out a sigh.

"All right, yay! Hurray. Good job, guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day. Have you ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I want to try it." Tony said bring smiles to our faces.

"We're not finished yet." Thor said referring to Loki.

"And then shawarma after." Tony said.


We found Loki weakly crawling up the stairs but completely gave up when he saw all of us in front of him.
"If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now." Loki said.


After that everyone knew of us almost everyone loved us.
I watched Thor leave taking the Tesseract and Loki with him.

WHAT I HIDE // Bucky x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now