♡chapter 4 part 2♡

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Tw: a little bit of harassment, if you feel uncomfortable please skip and stay stafe my loves💕💕and enjoy part 2😁

Still Dom's POV
I was in Y/n's location but she was nowhere to be found.. That's when i called Rhea to know that her best friend since middle school was missing. "Rh-ea.." I said in a shaky tone. "Woah!, hey what's going on?" she asked. "Y/n..went missing..." I answered. "Dom, calm down we'll find her, just let me call Fin and Damien, and wherever you are stay there until I get to you." She informed. I couldn't stay calm  my hands were fidgeting and tears were already forming in my eyes.

Y/n's POV
As I was still blacked out, I slowly opened my eyes finding out I was in some sort of basement.. My legs and hand we're tied up, Then when i realized,I got punched in the face.. It tried to knock me out but the punch was kind of weak.. "What.. Do you want from me.." I said slowly. "You~" he answered smirking. "You.. Better.. Not..touch me" I said coldly. "And what  are you going to do? Punch me I bet you can't even." He replied. Then he snapped to of his fingers making his henchman start punching me, stepping on me to death.

---5 minutes---
After the torture Aoron had put me through.. I was hoping Dom would come and save me.. I know Eddie would do that for Chyna.. I was bleeding everywhere.. And then i felt my eyes getting heavy then when i knew it I just passed out..

Dom's POV
As we got to y/n's location Rhea grabbed the kindle sticks (the sticks they would use to brutaly beat the heck out of their component)
From Rhea's trunk. When we got to the door we banged on it until it then opened. "Come out, come out wherever you are~" Fin said. "Come out and show us if your a MAN" Damien yelled. Rhea right now was fully on rage mode, but.. Little does she know I'm raging more than her. "GET YOUR LITTLE ASS OUT AND GIVE ME Y/N FIERCE BACK RIGHT NOW!!!" I yelled so everyone here can hear me.  Then the rest of JD we're looking at me shocked knowing that they realized I.. Love y/n. Then we heard loud shrieking from the basement. Rhea was the first one to knock the door down. When i looked inside... Y/n...was lifeless on the floor.. Then I ran to the guy who was beating her. I started hitting him with the kindle stick until he was begging for mercy. Tears were already running down my face..

"DOM STOP!" Rhea demanded trying to hold me back. But I just ignored her and kept beating the life out of him. "FIN CARRY Y/n TO THE HOSPITAL!" I demanded. As I saw Fin carry y/n in his arms. Then i heard police sirens. "Dom We HAVE TO GO!!" she stated. I already had stopped hitting and punching him. Because he passed out. "Rhea..go..take care of y/n for me and make sure to bail me out!!" I stated. "DOM!!" Rhea yelled out. When I knew it I turned my self in. 


Rhea's POVI was in the hospital with Fin and Damien, I already told them Dom got sent to jail and how were going to bail him out of it. But the most important part was, is y/n going to be ok? my best-friend of 6 years..lying in a hospital bed lifeless... then the doctor came over to us. "are you Y/n L/n/s friends?'' she asked. "Yes" We all said. "Well, we have some bad and good news." She then stated. "what's the bad..news?'' I asked playing with my fingers. "well" she sighs, "she's going to be in a concussion for a few weeks or so" when she said that I immediately put my hand over my mouth in shock. "But, the good news is that she may recover in less than a week." I sighed in relief. "But that's up to the nurses" she added. "Well thank you and have a good day." I said leaving the hospital while Damien and Fin follow. I was really worried about y/n. I dropped Damien and Fin off at their homes. And I went to my house turning on my TV to check the WWE news. "Today, there has been a problem with the judgment day, Earlier today there was a huge brutal fight ever to be seen on wrestling Entertainment. somehow, Mrs Y/n Fierce got kidnapped leading the biggest rage to the son of Rey mysterio." The news women said. "why yes, Fans are going crazy with this new "Dom's New Mami"," the other reporter said. "well, Have you seen the RAGE on Domnik, and the BRUTAl BEATING Dominik has done to the kidnapper?!" She continued.  That's when I turned the TV off and went to bed.

I hope you guys Enjoyed this chapter! I feel like yall cried in this chapter. I mean..well anyways see you guys next chapter and thank you for the votes and Thank you so much for reading this! like you guys dont know how much this means for me! I love you guys and God bless you❤❤❤

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