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"Ok so first off, Fin vs Balor, your up boys!"Rhea stated in a exciting tone. So as Fin and Damien sat down they started to eat the Taki's.

"It's not even tha.. T.. Bad.." Damien said with food in his mouth. "Easy for you to say this crap is hot AF!" Fin stated drinking his water. "Come on you got this!" I cheered. "Come on, you guys got this!!" Rhea cheered.

So it turned out that Fin won surprisingly. Then it was Fin against Rhea, Rhea won, then me against Rhea. "Your going down SWEETHEART!" I said sticking my tongue out. "You better watch that mouth of yours, L/n because it may turn out of what happened a long time ago!" she said in a cocky tone. "What happened a few Years ago?" Dominik asked. "You'll see" Rhea answered.

Then it was time to shove my mouth full of Taki's. My heart kept beating,my hands were shaking, I was definitely not prepared. "Y/n..your crying.."  Damien stated. "I.. Know.." I said in a muffled voice. I kept shoving Taki's in mouth, and kept drinking water and I was already done with one. "Come on y/n you got this!!" Fin cheered. Then when i knew it.. I won the hot Taki's challenge against Rhea, but then i realized I was going against Dom.

"Good luck Mamacita" Dom said winking at me. "Never say that again, and I don't need it I already won against Rhea might as well win against you" I stated. "Ok, I bet you 5 bucks your going to loose" he demanded. "Alright, bet" I responded.  Then when we started chowing down on the food. "COME YOU GOT THIS Y/N!!!!" Rhea cheered. Then Damien and Fin cheered for both Dom and me. Then five minutes later I won the whole challenge.

"Well.. Give me my money Dominik" I smirked. "Fine.." he groaned as he handed me my five bucks. "Why thank you very much sir" I said in a accent. "Guys why don't we form a circle and try getting to know y/n more!" she commented. We all got in a circle and they started to ask me question, QNA technically.

"So, y/n where were you born?" Fin asked. "Uhm.. Florida Orlando.. But then I moved and that's how I met Rhea." I said smiling. "Ok.. So who is your favorite WWE couple?" Dom asked. "Eddie and Chyna"I said grinning "and why is that?" Rhea asked smirking. Realizing what I just answered. "Well, to be honest... I always LOVED their relationship I like when I was younger I would always tell Rhea how I wanted my relationship to be like theirs." I said. "Have you even ever had a boyfriend?" he asked which shocked me. "I really don't want to talk about it.." I said in a sad tone. "It's ok if you don't want to talk about it we won't force you." Damien stated. "Ok y/n last question, how long we're you training for wwe?" Damien asked me again. "Well, I've used to train with Rhea when we were about... 14 or 15?" I answered.

Then, we just chilled, did kaoroke which was FRICKING HILARIOUS, We had Papa johns pizza, and talking, playing, it was the best day ever! I was really happy I got to know the judgment day.

♡my eddie Guerrero♡Dominik mysterio x fem! Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن