"Why are you being like this?" Jimin asked as he slammed his fork down on the table, "You've been acting weird ever since you got home. What the hell did you and your cousin do? Why did you come home in such a shitty mood? Did you two get in some kind of fight? You have no reason to be a jerk to any of us."

Jin then slowly turned his head towards Jimin, giving him the same smile, "Oh, I'm so sorry Jiminie. Did I offend the other little baby?"

"What the fuck," Taehyung said with annoyance as he threw his hands up in frustration, "Who are you? And what have you done with Jin?"

"I am Jin," The oldest replied.

"Then act like, damnit," Namjoon chimed in, "Whatever stupid game you're trying to play isn't funny."

Jin stood up and walked over to Yoongi, placed his hand on his donsaengs shoulder and squeezed it, "Did you hear that, Yoongs? Namjoon called me stupid. That isn't a very nice way to speak to your hyung, now is it?" he asked Namjoon. He turned his face to Yoongi, "As the oldest two, we should punish him."

Jimin started yelling, "Punish him for what?! He didn't do anything! He didn't even call you stupid, he called your game stupid!"

Yoongi was speechless, he felt his pulse picking up and his forehead start to sweat. He never felt this scared around his hyung before but the way he was acting was scaring the hell out of him. Jin started squeezing Yoongi's shoulder harder, and then began digging his nails into his skin. "We should punish him, Yoongs. Bad dongsaengs deserve punishments."

"Fuck off Jin, Namjoon didn't do anything. Ow, ow stop that you're hurting me." Yoongi tried backing out of Jin's grip. His hyung had a newly developed superhuman strength. Jin didn't let up. He only dug his nails deeper. Yoongi started yelling, "I said you're hurting me! Stop it!" He tried pushing his hyung away.

Jungkook stood up and started screaming, "Did you not hear him?! He said you're hurting him! Why are you hurting him!?"

Jin let go of Yoongi's shoulder and walked over to Jungkook. Yoongi winced at the pain in his shoulder as he rubbed it. He moved his shirt to see that Jin had drawn blood from scratches. What the hell?! Namjoon made sure Yoongi was okay, he lied and said he was fine.

As Jin walked towards Jungkook, Hobi yelled, "Whatever you think you're doing, don't. You put your hands on him and you'll....you'll be sorry!" Hobi felt terrible threatening his hyung but he was also desperate to protect his maknae. But protect him from what? His Jin hyung had never hurt anyone before. Yet now it was all he was doing.

Jungkook tried shying away from his hyungs grip but couldn't. Jin grabbed the back of his neck, pressing on the pressure points. Jungkook's shoulders curled up to his ears as he twitched in pain. "Ah! Ah!" he cried. The members started screaming at Jin to let Jungkook go.

"Pain builds character, does it not?" Jin asked, chuckling. "A little pain never killed anyone. Oh wait, maybe it has." Jin squeezed Jungkook's pressure points harder and the maknae started screaming as he fell onto the floor. Hobi and Taehyung ran at their hyung and pushed him away from the youngest.

"Go away! Just go the hell away!" Hobi screamed.

Jungkook was on the floor crying.

"You guys are no fun," Jin waved them all aside as he simply walked away, emotionless, strolling back to his room.

The members sat there in shock. Hobi and Taehyung were rocking the maknae in a hug as he finished releasing the last of his tears. They were tears of fear more than tears of pain. He couldn't believe his hyung would do something so cruel not only to him, but to all of them.

Who Are You? [Jin x BTS]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora