Who Are You?

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TW: Violence, Explicit Language, Horror.


Jin was sitting on Jimin's chest, crushing him under his weight. He had his hands wrapped around Jimin's throat and was crushing his neck. Jimin couldn't even gasp for air, his face turning shades of red and blue as he clawed at his hyungs hands in a desperate attempt to escape. He saw white spots in his vision as tears poured down the side of his face. 

Taehyung stood next to Jin, screaming and hitting him, "Stop it! Let him go, get off him!" Taehyung pleaded through tears.

Taehyung felt helpless as he screamed. The rest of the members ran into the living room, also screaming, because Jin was trying to kill Jimin.


*1 Day Earlier*

Jin got home in the late afternoon. He'd gone on a trip to visit his cousin for a few days and his dongsaengs were ecstatic that he was finally home. Three days was a long time without eachother. They greeted him warmly with hugs when he stepped in and asked a million questions about how his trip was, what he did with his cousin, etc.

All questions that Jin never answered. Instead he shoved everyone out of his way and went to his room, slamming the door closed behind him.

"Well what the hell was that?" Hobi asked confused. It wasn't like Jin to act so cold towards them.

"He must've had an exhausting trip," Taehyung said.

"If he's in a bad mood let's just leave him be for now," Yoongi suggested. The members agreed to let their hyung rest.

Later that night, it was time to start making dinner. Hobi walked into Jin's room, confused to see his hyung sitting criss-cross on his bed, staring at the wall.

"What are you doing?" Hobi asked. Jin didn't say anything. Hobi sighed with slight annoyance but then asked his hyung if he could help start cooking dinner to which Jin replied with a harsh, "No."

"What? Why not? Please? We've missed your cooking," Hobi begged. Jin stood up and walked towards him, stopping in the doorway. He stared at Hobi for a moment before walking past him towards the kitchen without saying a word. Hobi thought Jin was acting extremely strange.

While making dinner, Jin was quiet. The members were in the kitchen helping cook and set the table. Once everyone sat down to eat, they tried again asking their hyung how his trip went. Jin sat at the table un-moving, his head down towards his plate, but his eyes had rolled up, and he was staring at Namjoon who was sitting across from him.

"Hyung?" Namjoon asked. He saw the way Jin was creepily staring at him and was getting a bit freaked out. "Is something wrong?"

"No," Jin replied. His voice seemed to have gotten deeper during the 3 days he was away.

"Then why are you staring at me like that? It's weird," Namjoon said. The rest of the members were looking back and forth between Jin and Namjoon, taking note of the weird behavior their oldest hyung was exhibiting.

"You know what's weird, Namjoon? You. You're fucking weird," Jin replied aggressively. The members gasped. Namjoon almost choked on the bite of food he was eating, and started coughing.

"Hyungie why would you say that to him?" Jungkook asked sadly. The way Jin's tone was definitely didn't seem like it was any kind of joke. Jin slowly turned his head towards Jungkook, and Jungkook felt his heart start racing. He was afraid of what his hyung had to say next.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Jungkookie. Did I offend the little baby? The tiny little annoying bitch of a baby? The poor little maknae?" Jin asked. He smiled, and his smile seemed to extend further than it usually had, making him look extremely menacing. Jungkook was too shocked to reply as he held back his tears.

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