Ch.2 A New Killer

Start from the beginning

The others withered became specialized heroes for certain situations like Tsuyu for coast guard stuff or Teachers at varying Hero schools like Ojiro and Shoji. Yet they still all had one thing in common , the burning fire of determination that Izuku had lit in them all those years ago. To thank him for this, they would meet every year on the anniversary of his death without fail, not to mourn or grieve over what could have been but to instead honor what he was and did.

Except one, for the last 9 years, Bakugo had been the only one not to attend. Not because he hadn't changed but because he had changed. The reason why Bakugo never showed up was because he believed he didn't deserve to be near something that appreciated someone that he never did. Someone he had pushed away all those years ago due to his own inferiority and ego. This year he finally decided due to his therapist's persuasion to actually go, to finally stitch that wound that's been bleeding for far too long.

Bakugo sighed saying a small prayer before entering the restaurant and finding most of the class already starting. They stopped as they saw Bakugo enter and then quickly welcomed him glad that he finally turned around. They began the small celebration with a simple lunch talking about their day and how they've been doing and sharing stories they've heard about Izuku they didn't know about or just heard about.

Yet the topic that always bothered them even to ten years now was when Izuku's body was stolen the day after he was buried. It took a week to find the body, where they found it in someone's freezer apparently some amateur grave robbers had taken it to make a pretty penny but instead got life in prison. It still made the class angry that their friend's grave was desecrated, though it did cause the grave to be moved to a more secure cemetery.


Which is where the old class was standing right now. They all stood in a semi-circle solemnly staring at the pristine grave of Izuku Midoriya. A white marble that stood there for over 10 years, constantly getting matinenced by both private mourners and his old friends. Each member of Class 1-A had a rose and each went forward to talk to Izuku for a brief moment, dropping their rose and letting the next person go.

The last to go was Bakugo who unlike the others knelt before the grave and uncharacteristically asked to be left alone for a second. The others kindly agreed telling him they'll be at the entrance. Bakugo just knelt there looking at the grave with a soft expression trying his hardest to keep his composure. He started with a somber tone.

Bakugo: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Izuku, I know I should have said this when....when you were still here. But I let my own ego and inferiority destroy what we had, hell even before that I was still an ass. Yet, you still tried to keep it together even though I didn't deserve the time of day from you, you believed that I could be better. I'm...I'm really trying to be better Izuku but it's so hard to be something that your not, I don't know what you saw in me but I can't find Izuku. Every day your final words just play on repeat in my head every night, I.....I don't think I can do it Izuku. I'm not good enough, no, I don't deserve that Number one spot not after everything I did to you. To my own best friend, I'm just so sorry Izuku, why....why can't I be better even after all these years?

Bakugo collapsed to all fours before Izuku's grave as he broke down crying before it. He just cried his eyes out letting out all of his guilt that will forever eat at his soul until he forgives himself. Bakugo sniffed and lifted himself up onto his knees with his hands on his thighs. With a teary determined face, he stared at Izuku's grave.

Bakugo: Yet that was your final wish. For me to be the best like I always bragged. Even though I don't deserve that honor, I'll do it for you. Goodbye, nerd.

Bakugo stood up and rubbed his eyes as he made his way to the entrance where the rest of the class was waiting. As they exited the cemetery and entered the sidewalk where they were about to separate until a limousine crashed into a pole. A large man stepped out with a panicked face which the more experienced heroes of them recognized as one of the main drug lords of Tokyo, Mr. Statue.

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