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A/n POV :
You explained everything to Luna. Jungkook was also there. You saw him sobbing so you decided to change the topic.

Y/n : You know Jungkook, Luna wanted to meet you, and you are here. She even called you handsome. And-(she got cut off from Luna)

Luna : ya ya enough now. (being embarrassed)

Jungkook chuckled. Somehow you felt happy seeing him smile.

Luna : hey y/n. Have you shown him the new korea??

Jungkook: yeah I want to see new korea.

Yn : Oh no. I forgot. We'll go tomorrow ok??

Jungkook : OKK!!!!! (thumbs up)

Time skip
At morning.

Y/n : Come fast Jungkook!! (shouted to call Jungkook who was getting ready in room)

Jk : Yeah!! Coming!!

Soon he arrived. His look👇

Y/n POV :Idk why I felt my heat skip a beat when I saw him

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Y/n POV :
Idk why I felt my heat skip a beat when I saw him. He was looking hot tbh. I came out of my thoughts when Luna shook me.

Luna: What??  Where are you?? Don't wanna go??

Yn: No no its nothing. Let's go!!!!!

Time skip.
After sometime.

Jungkook POV :
Why I am feeling like this whenever I'm with yn? I always feel my heartbeat increase when she is close to me. Aishhhh. Stop it Jungkook. You are a king from the past and she is an ordinary girl from future. *deep sigh*
Suddenly I spotted a place which attracted me.

Jk : Hey I wanna go there. (pointing towards the game store.

Yn: But how will you play?

Jk: I think I have hands and they are working also. (looking at his hands)

Yn : Ok ok drama king (chuckle)

Yn POV :
We were standing in the line. Aishh it's too crowd here. Soon I saw the gaming panel.

Yn : Hey our chance is about to come.

Jungkook / Luna : Okay

Jungkook  :
I am now looking at the boy who is playing the game in order to learn how to play it. I don't wanna make it obvious that I don't know how to play. Soon our chance came.

Yn : Are you sure, you gonna play??

Jk : Just wait and watch Yn-ahh

Yn : okay then let's start.

Luna : yeah let's go. I'm gonna win.

Then they started playing. To yn's surprise, Jk was winning every time.

Yn: yahh you are cheating. You are winning everytime. (pout)

Jk : I already told you (smirk and wink)

After some time they went.

Jk : now where to go??

Luna : To the museum?? (said excitedly)

Yn: Ok then let's gooo

At the museum.

Jk POV :
I was roaming in the  museum when I spotted my crown in a glass box. I smiled realising that I made a history. But the reason was still unknown. I shrugged my thoughts and went to read what's written on the board. I realized it was about me.

"This is the crown of our beloved king Jeon Jungkook(1896-1916) . He was very brave and fought for his kingdom even from his closed ones. We appreciate his efforts that we are safe today."

Jungkook mind: Brave? Me? No.. I'm a coward. I didn't do anything for my family nor my kingdom.

I was in my thoughts when I heard Yn's voice.

Yn : Let's go. Time is up.

I nodded and started walking.


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TIME TRAVELLED KING| Jeon Jungkook Where stories live. Discover now