Chapter 12: One step at a time

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Enough time had passed since (Y/n) had become the newest owner of the facility, now formally known as the factory, hence its abilities to produce almost anything. Exactly 2 days, 7 hours and 42 minutes had gone by to be precise.

Not much had changed within this timeframe, at most there were some few minor decorations placed here and there within the master bedroom. A lamp here, a book there, a Lego on the shelf. Just small things to make the place seem more homely rather than ghost town.

However try as he might, the inside of the Großer Kurfust felt just that little bit cozier, just that tiny bit more welcoming. It wasn't a home to others who are now long dead and forgotten by history, it belongs to (Y/n) and that fact provides comfort.

As for (Y/n) himself, right now he had better things to think of. Mainly how to properly install these pesky radars and sonar. It would be easier to place them on top of the numerous rocky outcroppings and call it a day, and yet according to Overseer this would just attract more attention.

The premise of this web of radar and sonar is simple. Be a fast and reliable early warning system. What (Y/n) is doing could be considered more of an upgrade as the original web is still there, just eroded from years of neglect.

Gentle waves sloshed around the bases of each outcrop, very soothing to the ears.

(Y/n): "Overseer lad, I do not see any fucking thing which can be considered a radar dish.

I see some on Kurfust over there but we ain't looking for those now, are we?"

(Y/n) had spent the better part of 10 minutes attempting to find the first radar. Yes. First... he's also developed a habit of talking to himself. And to Sammy.

(Y/n): "Hey Sammy, listen for a ping ight?"

The metal leviathan, now part of his rigging, nodded lazily. Its pitch black eyes slowly gazed at the rocky surface too, attempting to find the radar dish in conjunction with his owner.

(Y/n) fumbled about with his gauntlet, tapping, and prodding at the relatively large hemi-sphere experimentally.

Nothing happened.

(Y/n): "Work you piece of shit!"

He prodded more and more. Each passing second resulting in more aggression and vigor subjected unto the gauntlet. Since just tapping it wasn't enough, (Y/n) resorted to smacking the gauntlet. Quite hardly. It had culminated into one anger-filled back-handed swipe into the nearest rock available.

The rock in question had disintegrated from the sheer force of the impact. Its form had turned into one of fine mist and sharp jagged pebbles, each randomly scattered at high speeds.

Upon realizing what he had done, (Y/n) slowly turned towards Sammy and Sammy turned to face (Y/n). With frozen expressions plastered upon their faces, the duo gave a halfhearted nod to each other.

(Y/n): "We are not talking about that."

Maintaining an unbreakable eye-to-eye gaze for about 5 seconds, then slowly turning back to face the location of where the unjustly murdered rock laid.

(Y/n): "Hold up the fuck is this?"

(Y/n) cautiously reached forwards. His right hand fished around, searching for something. He fumbled and shifted more debris away, the smaller pebbles clattering and clanging as they were moved. Wait a second... clanging?

(Y/n): "Got ya now bitch!"

in a swift motion (Y/n) pulled something from the pile of sharp pebbles and triumphantly raised his prize up, holding it high as if he were showing the world his most prized possession, as if he had overcome a great challenge and is now reaping his prize.

A thin metal cage, cracked and rusted beyond repair. Frazzled hollow wiring dangled from behind, most certainly the connection to the web.

This was it!?

This ancient birdcage of a radar was what the base was using to detect threats? Well not exactly this specific radar since it doesn't take an expert to tell that it's not working anymore. Even more so when it had been ripped from its emplacement no more gently than one would rip out common weeds from their garden.

It's strange how far radar technology had advanced, just behind, the Großer Kurfust's far superior radar systems rendered most of, if not all, current naval based radar systems obsolete. That was partly due to Sammy's cube altering the hardware of the warship once he was integrated into (Y/n)'s own cube. However (Y/n) will simply ignore such a thing and claim that his systems are better because his ship simply is better.

Putting that aside, (Y/n) reached for his gauntlet which mercifully worked this time. He swiped the dome causing it to come to life and display a hologram of what appeared to be a 2-dimensional view of his ship. The top of said hologram had no more than 3 tabs, his interest lay in the center one, "inventory."

Clicking it, he saw rows upon rows of squares, few held objects, but many more were empty. Without wasting a second, (Y/n) reached for one of said squares, his arm seeming passing into the hologram. He gripped something, he held on tightly and he yanked back hard. A flurry of miniature blue cubes sprung forth, following his hand, and assembling themselves into the desired object. A new radar dish.

This one closely resembled the contemporary radar dish one would see on a 21st century military outpost, just scaled down slightly.

How such an object came into his possession was a rather simple explanation, Overseer had access to the details and schematics of it, and the factory simply needed materials to produce it. The quality could be better, however very high-quality material was hard to come across, and the available material was currently being used to test another idea of (Y/n)'s.

With enough time, each and every single instrument of the web was replaced. And perfectly camouflaged too, using some basic holographic displays. Not much more was done today, however every little bit helps. And in this case ensuring that his only safe space is protected is quite a bit of help.

Zuiko had opted to stay in his enclosure, as usual, and (Y/n) had unfortunately fallen back to his old ways of staying up late and becoming the victim and perpetrator of an unrelating loop of sleep deprivation. At least he had no assignments to worry about in this world.

Eventually he limped over to his bed once the time had come. And before he fell asleep at God knows how early in the morning he thought about Jason and U-556, hoping to meet the duo again someday.

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