chapter 10: History re-enacted

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It was an early morning, rough waves littered the once still waters of the coast belonging to the old Iris Orthodoxy, now Vichya Dominion territory. Yet one might argue that its still the same.

2 shapes were gliding across the water. The silhouettes of women, both wore rather dark clothing, adorned with occasional red fabrics and medals. Behind them, their riggings. Menacing and serpentine in nature, must be Ironblood. Part of the original few members, the ones who couldn't fully utilize the power of the sirens due to their old allies. One who looked down upon such advantages.

Upon further inspection, a heavy cruiser with snow white hair and a single red streak. Her outfit on the more revealing side and on her head, she wore 2 metal plates, almost like horns. This was none other than the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen. Bismarck's right hand as some would call her.

To Eugen's left, her companion. Taller, wearing a large, furred coat and an Ironblood navy cap. Blonde haired, stoic, and wielding a mechanical battle standard. The Bismarck herself. Leader of Ironblood.

Both sailing at full speed, their mission halted by some... rather unfortunate accident.

Eugen: "So, in summary, Hood is out of commission and Wales fled southeast. And now it's gotten very quiet."

Eugen thought out loud. Making sense of what happened.

Eugen: "Bismarck could we slow down? Its unpleasant to cruise at full speed on waves as harsh as this.

Plus the Royal Navy will be in disarray considering the situation with Hood. They'll most likely prioritize saving her so even if someone follows us, they'll be lagging behind."

Bismarck, stoic as ever, kept her pace. She warned Eugen that in times such as this, the Royal Navy is not to be underestimated. They will not sit idle after the pride of their fleet has been sunk.

Eugen went silent for a while, a tension clouding the air. One which she tried to break with small talk, mainly regarding Bismarck's injuries. And yet again, Bismarck cast down an almost tangible air of tension. Bismarck's tendency to accomplish her objective at any cost can be quite detrimental at times.

Eugen: "Bismarck. Is it not my duty to stop my leader from making reckless decisions?

Is that not why you called me for this sortie?"

And with a heavy sigh Bismarck finally gave in.

Bismarck: "I suppose you are right. Though I must say, nobody interjects better than you at times like this, Eugen."

Now the tense air broke down. For a short while. Until Eugen picked something up on her radar.

2 blips.

As far as she knew no other Iron Blood ships should be close. The Sakura Empire has no business being this close. And Vichya ships along with Sardegna ships had been instructed to use a certain radio frequency to avoid any mistakes.

So that means... Royal Navy pursuers.

As soon as she turned around, she saw them.

2 heavy cruisers, the first small in size, wearing a red cape and her rigging equally small. It was Norfolk. And besides Norfolk, a taller one, pink haired. Longer rigging in a handheld configuration and wearing a maid outfit. Suffolk.

Both outdated designs, but still a threat. Upon having been granted permission, Eugen acted quickly. Making a beeline for Suffolk, she fired all weapons. Taking her by surprise and managing to cause injury to her rigging. Now it malfunctioned, leaving the Royal cruiser exposed. Eugen's serpent like rigging quickly hit her head on, sending her back with a concussion.

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