be the sun that shines

Start from the beginning

"M-Maybe we should just go about with our business! We could hang out later, okay, Denji?" You say and give Asa a reassuring look.

"Nggh...mmpphh.. fine.." He mumbles, hanging his head low. He walks past you two and tugs the leash to get the dogs to follow. They all trot around him.

"Are we really gonna hang out with him later?" Asa questions.

"I dunno.. depends on where we'd hang out. By the way, what were you gonna say?"

Her irritation disappears as she remembers. "O-Oh! Uh.." You tilt your head.

She looks down. "Nothing. Don't worry about it."


You take her hand and start to walk. "Do you wanna go on the swings? I bet I can swing higher than you!" You say, changing the subject.

She stays silent as you two walk. You stop walking and she continues, getting pulled back a bit because of you holding onto her hand.

She snaps out of it and looks at you. "Huh? Why'd you stop walking?"

"Did you not hear me? I asked if you wanted to go swing."

"Oh! Yeah, sorry.. I zoned out. We can."

You narrow your eyes. "Lighten up!" You start shaking her by the shoulders. "Hey! Okay, okay!" She says and starts to laugh, pushing you away. "There's that laugh!" You say and laugh too, smiling.

You walk over to one of the swings and lay your stomach on it. You begin to swing like that. She laughs at you. "Why are you swinging like that?! You look so silly!"

"It's fun! Try it!"

She stands there. "Okay, fine.." She puts the box down nearby.

She lays down on the swing, hanging on it. "How do you even do that?!"

"Just push yourself up to start and lean your body back to go up, and lean back down to go down. It's simple."

She tries to and struggles at first, but gets the hang of it. "This is kinda scary!" She stays as she swings along with you. "That's why it's fun! Just make sure you hold onto it so you don't fall!"

You both swing, laughing as you do. You go a little too high and slip off the swing. You fall and catch yourself, accidentally doing a handstand. "AH!" You yell as the swing hits you, and you fall onto your back.

Asa stops swinging and climbs off, hurrying next to you. "Are you okay?!" She yells.

"Yeah, I'm good, don't worry." You say and smile, getting up. You brush yourself off and stretch.

"Do you wanna eat now? I'm pretty hungry 'n what you made looks real good."

She nods her head and picks up the box. You both sit on a bench and begin to eat. You look at a small pond and watch a couple of frogs jumping around. "Hey, look! There's frogs!" You say and point.

She swallows her food. "Don't talk with your mouth open, idiot. That's basic etiquette!" She nags. You cover your mouth and mumble.


"You're still doing it!"

You giggle and swallow. "Quit judgin' me! I'll eat how I want!" You say and take another bite. "What are these, anyway?"

"..It's just onigiri. Have you never had them before?"


"Huh?! How? What do you usually eat?"

You look at her and swallow. "I just get canned stuff from the store. It's cheap. I don't eat all that much."

Her face saddens. "If you have to buy cheap food, then why'd you take me to a cafe? It was a little pricey.."

AFFILIATION AND BLISS [PART 1] [ASA MITAKA] [WLW]Where stories live. Discover now