"What would your poor husband think of you?", he asks and Nora tilts her her head towards me. "What would you think love?", she asks sweetly. "You had to do what you had to do."; I shrug as my cold self slowly returns. My grandfathers eyes widen as he hears me speak.

"Come on old man put the gun on the table."; I sigh and shake my head lightly. "She'll kill you without a second thought. You know her family.", I shrug and give Nora a quick glance. "What do you mean by that?", she snaps at me. "You know.", I shrug. "No I don't.", she snaps back. "You're know for being cold blooded...Among other things.",I explain as I lean against the kitchen counter.

I've never been this calm around my grandfather. Never.

"Mhm", she hums. And my grandfather slowly puts his weapon on the counter next to his plate and slowly pushes it forward.

"Why are you here?", I ask him. He smiles as Nora slowly pulls the knife away from his throat and he tries to get up but she quickly has the knife pointed to the back of his neck. "Sit.", she orders as the huge threat in her words is basically shouting for him to listen. And he does.

"I just wanted to meet my grandsons wife. Is that so bad?", he asks. "It is after what you did to mother.", I state as I can see Nora give me a quick look.

She hates that she doesn't know what I'm talking about. And I can feel it.

"Oh she is my daughter I can do whatever I want with her.", he says as he raises his chin in arrogance. I shoot Nora a look and I can see her right jaw. She's about to put the knife through his throat from behind.

"Watch your next words.", I say. "She doesn't tolerate disrespect from men who didn't do half as much as the woman they hurt and put through hell.", I say nodding towards Nora.  "She won't do anything. She's almost as pathetic as you. She's dumb for marrying a cry baby like you. Can you even call yourself a man?", he says with a load of anger.

"Put the knife down Nora.", I tell her as I see how close she is to putting that thing through his neck. "Fine.", she sigh as she pulls the knife away from his neck. But she doesn't set it down on the counter. She plunges the knife directly into my grandfathers shoulder.

He lets out a deafening scream. And Nora stands in front of him as he curls over grabbing his shoulder in pain. "Watch you mouth.", she hisses as she takes his face into her hands. "Or the next time you are on the way to me, your head will be shipped in a separate box.", she threatens and lets go if his face.

"You're going to regret this.", he grunts. "Am I?", she asks. "Because I'm sure the people that used to work with and for you have no problem with me sinking you ungrateful ass to the bottom of the ocean.", she shrugs.

I watch as he gets what he deserves from my wife. But this was only the beginning.

"You only wait until I get my hands on sweet little Anya.", he says with a smug look in his face. And I see Nora's temper snap.

She lunges at him making him topple to the floor as she starts to pummele his face with her fists.

I pull her off my grandfather as quick as I can but the thrashes in my hold. "Let me go. Kom me myt qet nane qimin. Kom me ja thyje qafen. I'll rip his goddamn guts out and stuff them back into his filthy fucking throat."(I'm going to kill hin. I'm going to break his neck.), she snaps as she kicks trying to get out of my hold.

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