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It's been a few weeks since the incident with Rodriguez. And I'm sitting in my office at the headquarters of my most successful company looking through the different proposals of my employees.

My door flies opens and a little girl runs in. Tears staining her face. She stops behind my chair panting. Three grown men step into my office. "Excuse me ma'am have you by chance seen my daughter? She ran this way and we can't seem to find her.", he explains.

The girl steps out from behind the chair and clutches onto my arm. "Oh there you are. I've been looking for you everywhere.", the man sighs. I look at the girl and notice the necklace.

The necklace I gave Yury to give his niece for her birthday while I was in Chicago for an emergency.

One of the men rounds the table and tries to grab her. I pull her to me and at the same time twist his arm slamming his face into my desk.

"You don't really look like her father.", I stated tilting my head sideways. The other guys eyes widened and he caught his breath. He leaned over and whispered something into into his ear.

They took a seat and looked at me. "I'm sure we can work out a deal that you can give her to us. I mean you don't really love them do you?", the guy from before asked.

I looked at him and then the girl. "Are you hurt? Did they do something to you that you didn't like?", I asked her taking her face into my hands. She nodded. "What did they do?", I asked her. And she lifted her sleeves showing two giant red spot which were soon going to turn into bruises.

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I get up out of my chair and place her in it. I round the table and lean against it. "Tell me, what is the reason you three want her?", I asked them. "It's none of your business. Ma'am.", he said. "Really?", I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Just hand her over.", he said. I turned around, called Yury handed her the phone and turned the chair around so that she wouldn't have to see what I was about to do to there cunts.

"Talk to your uncle for a bit okay princess?", I told her and she just nodded putting the phone to her ear.

I grabbed the men by the back of their heads and slammed them against each other. They both fell unconscious. I grabbed them by the collar of their shirts dragging each of them out of the chairs they were sitting in.

The first guy whose head had a nice encounter with my desk slowly got up looking around. His eyes locked on me and he pulled a knife out.

He lunged at me trying to stab me. I dodged his attacks occasionally landing a few punches. Then I felt an arm wrap around my neck pulling me back choking me.

The other guy tried stabbing me again when I pulled my legs up kicking him in the face. Sending him tumbling back. The guy holding on to me tightens his grip and I swung my head backwards cracking his nose.

He let go and I turned around switching my punches from facial ones to ones directed to his body and sides. I landed one final punch sending him into a knock out.

The last guy looked at me in fear. "What? You want a beating too or are you going to sit there and keep your mouth shut?", I asked him. He shook his head not saying anything in replied.

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