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A car drive passing the limit speed requires to the driver. The officer is chasing after him " Sir, please get out of the car we have to talk" the officer open the car door.

" please get out" the driver still does not get out " Sir I will not repeat it again" finally he comes out with an unpleasant face to see.

" why you are you stopping me for?" Fourth asks with a drunk raspy voice " please blow a bit" the officer hand him a alcohol tester for him to blow.

" I don't want to" he says and sit on the car sit. Another officer come and whisper something in the officer's ear " please come with us to the police station" he helps fourth and they drive to the police station.

" Mr. fourth Nattawat do you know that consuming alcohol while driving is illegal?" A detective speaks to him while fourth sits there in front of him.

" Did you already test my alcohol tolerance already? How do you know that I'm drunk?" Fourth speaks in annoying. The detective is out of speech.

" we will make a call to your father and he will come and bail you out" e sits down and take extend his hand to take call his father.

" No need, I want you to call someone else to bail me out." He give the number because right he is the only person he can think of right now.


Gemini is sleeping peacefully while his phone his ringing piercing the quiet ambiance " Hello?" Gemini is answering his phone with sleepy.

" Hello is this Mr. Gemini?" Another side asks. Gemini looks at the number and it not from his contact " yes it's me" he replies back " we call from the Bangkok police station to inform you that your boyfriend Mr. Fourth Nattawat is right now with us please come and bail him out" the detective is speaking.

" What police station? What did he do?" He ignore the boyfie thing and rushes to wear a proper clothes and take a taxi to the police station.

He runs in the police station and see Fourth is sitting in front of the detective desk " Fourth! What happening? Are you heard anywhere?" He makes Fourth stands up and check him.

Fourth doesn't say anything and leans in to hug him tight. Gemini looks at the detective with questions mark face. The detective explains everything to him " it's okay here take the fees to bail him out thank you detective for taking care of him" he thanks them and takes Fourth out.

" Where your car can you drive back home?" Gemini asks Fourth who is still gluing to him like a koala " I don't want to go home that is not home" he looking so sad and Gemini doesn't want to asks anything anymore.

" Then let's go to my appartement first give me your car key" fourth give Gemini his car key for Gemini to drive.

Gemini still supports him not to fall and unlock the door. He brings fourth to his room and makes him sitting on bed " Are you hurt? What happened to your cheek?" He sees a handprint on his cheek which is bit swollen.

He definitely has something but he will not ask anything if fourth doesn't want to tell him by himself  " I'm use to it. It not hurt anymore" fourth looks at Gemini.

" Stay here I'll be back quickly" he stands up and wants to take the ices for him. Fourth doesn't to let him go and pulls him back " can you stay with me for a bit?" He hugs Gemini waist who is standing up straight.

Gemini looks at Fourth he doesn't know what is this younger man had been through but it's must be tough for a person who alway flirty and wild to be like this.

" It okay I'm here, you can cry if you want" he pats Fourth hair. Fourth is looking at him. No one ever said this to him since his mother passed away. He swear to himself that he will never be week that's why he doesn't want to cry. If he does no one will coax him.

Salty Daddy and His Sugar Baby |GeminiFourth|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt