"Oh wow I just bought this exact set of cups and saucers today", says April when the butler comes in with it.

"You did?" Ask Pippa delighted to see her new daughter-in-law have an eye for quality.

"I did and I'm taking them back to New York with me," explains April.

"Your father said you might propose to April.  I'm glad to see you decide to settled down Ashton. April I read every article I could fine on the internet about you."

"I hope you don't judge me because of it."

"I can understand why you would want to get to know your birth mother. In the end you did the right thing that's all that matters."

"Thank you."

"Ashton why didn't you mentioned before you two were dating?"

"Granddad was sick then he died and there never seemed to be a right time."

"I understand dear."

"So come on how did you two meet?" Ask Pippa.

"That wasn't that bad and your mother seems really nice," says April to Ashton as they leave his mother's house.

"She is, what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" He ask.

"Chilli out and eat lobster mac and cheese, " answers April.

"That can be arranged,  it looks like we are officially a couple now. Are you okay with that or is it too soon?"

"Truthfully, it's too soon since we barely know each other but it feels right."

"Thank you for being honest with me April.  "Maybe we were destined to be together," says Ashton as a niggling thought kept coming into his mind.

"Maybe,' answers April.  Lets go through Popeyes I want a three piece dinner."

"I've never eaten there before."

"You're missing out on good food Ashton."

"This is nice, a bit spicy but nice.," says Ashton as he takes another bite of his chicken leg.

"I told you it was good Ashton. Your mother's asked something which gave me paused for thought.  Where are we getting married? I assumed New York.  I don't mind getting married here. I don't have anyone in New York to invite to my wedding."

"You have your family April tell them about the wedding today and invite them personally to the wedding.."

"We haven't spoken in years."

"They're your family April you need them."

She wipes her hand, "Okay I will tell them today."


A few hours later, "I've spoken to my siblings they will come to my wedding and they will take the money I offer them."

"That's good I wonder what changed their minds?" Ask Ashton even thought he knew the answer already.

"Who knows I'm just glad they will be with me on my wedding day. Mum is coming as well."

"That's good news.  Is there any particular place you want to get married?"

"Westminster Abbey or your parents house, no Westminster Abbey."

"Then we will get married there. I think we should get married in a month's time," suggest Ashton.

"That's really soon, can we even get a date for the wedding?"

"The wedding isn't just a wedding is it April. I take the reins of your company as well."

"Then we will get married in a month's time. Are you afraid your grandmother maybe ill Ashton. Is that why you want to rush the wedding?"

"April my Nan is fit as a fiddle I just think we need each other right now. You're going back to New York having cut your friends out of your life. You need some support.  My siblings and friends in New York will offer you that."

"You can offer it without a marriage license Ashton."

"True, but you get to have a husband in a months time. I have seen your work load you get to take a step back."

"That's true but we have all seen the movie where the guy starts off sweet then gets the girl to let go of her friends and takes over her life."

"Your friends are toxic and if it makes you feel better I will sign a prenup. I won't take a penny of your money if we break up."

"Well you don't need it."

"You're richer than me remember," Ashton reminds her.

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