Chapter 10

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~Chapter 10

Rileey POV

*one week later*

Isabella have given me till the end of the month with her contract luckily let's just says in the past week we have me having some fun sneaking around school the one time she took me to the gym and ate me out there and the other time she fucked me in one of the bathroom stalls

Yesterday she should tease my clit the entire day not giving in to me begging her , her timing was perfect because as soon as I was starting to beg the bell rang and we had to go to class unfortunately I somewhat don't feel as guilty as I should fooling around with her I should but I don't

I have no idea if she feels the same way but I think I am falling for her little by little everyday her walls is still very high but I'm sure she smiles every time she sees me that or I am imagining thing

As I make it to my second period of the day sitting in my usual spot I saw Isabella she walk up to me and gave the girl who sits next to me a hiss making her jump out of her seat and soon after she sat down next to me

Our teacher made it in to the glass saying we will watch a documentary about the British revolution I could feel her hand on my leg sliding upwards to my thight I whisper to her

Move your hand

I smile was place on her face every time she whould place her hand there I whould remove it


From the corner of my eye I could see Isabella smiling she have this most beautiful smile as she look st me and wisper

Don't wat

I was so distracted with her smile I only notice once its to late her hand has made it to my panties and she was gently rubbing over the fabric

Suddenly a soft moan escaped my lips and she squeeze my inner thight as she spoke in a seductive way

God Rileey u are so damm wet

Its ur fault

We were dismiss by the bell which I storm out of the class and headed towards the cafeteria
Becca joined me later on but I was staring at Isabella

She was eating a orange in the most seductive way no wait it was basically porn I mean who eat an orange like that the juices were all over her lips as she slowly licks them off

I was bought back to the conversation as Stiles sit next to me

Hello babe

I gave him a smile and when I look Isabella was gone

Isabella POV

As I walk out of the cafeteria I was vivid her boyfriend just had to come and ruin everything I kick the lockers as I walk past them

My plan was working perfectly I was gonna make her horny in every way possible at first when me and she started I had a plan make her fall in love with me then dump her

But as time goes on I couldn't help but feel more and more attractive toward her both in a sexual way and non sexual way

Every time I caught glimpses of her I whould smile for no reason and I should get this painful feeling every time her boyfriend should hug her like invisible daggers stabbing at my heart
I should decently go see a doctor about that feeling it doesn't feel right

I walk to the bathroom and close it trying my best to pull myself together when I heard the clinging of heels and Rileey soft angel like voice


A smile creep on my face as I made it out in that moment I didn't care who was there our lips meet instantly as I kiss her I pushed her up against the wall and bite her bottom lip asking for entrance which she gladly gave me

As our tongue fight for dominance I moan softly in her mouth before I pull away

Meet me at my house after school

She nob in agreement and I slap her ass as she walk out and the bell rang again indicating recess is over

As I make it to my class with my minions close behind Elena decided to speak her mind

Bella u have been smiling a lot any reason

I turn around to face the two trying to hold my anger in

First of all don't ever call me Bella

Second of all mind your own business or I shall mind your business and the both of us know how that will end

She swall hard and nob at me

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