Chapter 4

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~Chapter 4

Isabella POV

My mother forced me to go to this party with Derek I hate teenage parties so much the music is always rave or rap and way to loud and they can't behave themself its a disgrace between the alcohol and sex I shouldn't be there

I debated for a while what to wear and went with a vintage steampunk dress and a corset with knee high boots I let my makeup artist apply some light makeup and make my lips soft pink and curl my hair

My mother insisted that I at least take one of my three personal security with which I agree as long as he blent in the crowd and leave his gun at home and not follow me around

Alfred open the door to the limo and I got in the party is at a house Derek own which he use on weekends for drinking and if he wanna screw around with a bunch of sluts its about twenty min drive from my penthouse

I arrive just after 8pm and Derek was waiting outside for me I walk up to him and he try to kiss me which I turn my cheek to

Future wife u gonna have to kiss me sooner or later

I gave him a death stare as we walk in my ears was in pain from the loud music I could barly hear myself think luckily the crowd of horny teenagers move away as I enter the place looks filthy from alcohol stains to god knows what

We made it to the kitchen and Derek handed me a beer I fold my hands over my chest and raise my eyebrow at him

U don't expect me to drink that garbage do u

Well I have beer and vodka what do u want babe

I roll my eyes at him while tapping my feet

I'll have vodka with cranberry juice and some pineapple and strawberries cut in now

Babe its clean vodka in a plastic cup either u take it or u drink tap water

I'm your girlfriend yet u can't even provide me some decent alcoholic beverages to drink

He look at me up and down while he smirk

I'll provide that for u once u let me in your pants

I gave him a death stare

Mother says only on our honeymoon.

Just the thought of sleeping with him wanna make me rip out his heart and feet it to him he will probably give me some disease like siflis or god knows what

We made it to a small crowd playing spin the bottle as he grab my hand and everyone make room for us I look at him in anger while yelling over the music


He whisper in my ear which make me wanna kill myself as his disgusting breath hit my skin

Play with us and I will not kiss u for the next week

I nob in agreement still the idea of someone kissing me anoys me til my very existence I down the vodka and pointed to my security to refill it

A few drink later and I can feel the alcohol working luckily the bottle haven't landed on me and its my turn I grab the bottle and give it a visious spin it bounces of the floor and in someone lap pointing at that person

When I look up and the person it is Rileey which I roll my eyes at they pull us toward a closet and lock it saying we have seven min to make out I took some mental notes whose filthy hands was on me so I can plan my Revenge
Her voice got me out of my thoughts

So are we gonna kiss or what

I gave her a stare and a fake laught

There is no way in a million years I'll ever kiss a poor unworthy bitch like you , you should bow down to me

Why are u always so mean I know it ain't u stop hiding behind your mask

I gave her a sadist laugh even in the dark I could see her smile at me which I found cute maybe its the alcohol speaking no EEeeew Isabella what are u thinking

As soon as the closet door open I storm out Derek wanna grab my hand but I push him away and rush upstairs to the bathroom I splash some water on my face and while the counter with sanitizing wet whipes I keep in my purse I jump on the counter and just sit there thinking what a cruel bitch my mother is for forcing me to go to this perverted stuff

Suddenly the bathroom door slams open and Rileey stands there she locks the room and gave me a smile I got of the counter

What do u want bitch

I gave her a stare

As she came closer i could smell she was drunk before she even talk

I believe u own me something miss valentine

She was giggling as she says my surname


I yell at her as she shook her head

U owe me a kiss

She backs me in a corner even thru I was taller than her by a couple of inches she was stronger and soon I was against the cabinet she put bother her hands on either side of me boxing me in like a bird in a cage

I look her in her chocolate brown eyes and smirk at her

U won't do it u won't kiss m---

I was caught of guard when she place her soft lips on mine she tasted like vodka and vanilla a combination from alcohol and her lipgloss and her hands pull me on the counter moving to my waist without breaking the kiss she position herself between my legs and as soon as she bit my lower lip I gasp giving her tongue entrance to my mouth out tongue move in synch as my hands made it around her neck I had this weird feeling in my stomach like a twitch feeling

All of the sudden I became aware of the situation and push her back


I yell at her I made my way to the door but she pin my arms above my head letting our fingers intertwine she wiggles her one knee between my legs basically making me sit on her knee as she kiss me again this time is was soft yet rough and passionlessly as her tongue fight for dominance between mine I was powerless as that weird feeling in my stomach return soon she break our kiss to catch her breath

And I stare at her out of breath admiring her cute smile and the dimples with her chocolate brown eyes glittering with happiness I soon realize I had to much to drink because I found her irisistable and I wanted to kiss her even more luckily for me I snap back to reality and she was wat to drunk and I manage to free myself from her and rush through the house screaming at anyone who dsres to look in my way

I soon make it outside and told Alfred that we are going home now

* * * * *

As soon as I made it to my penthouse I start yelling and screaming at myself basically no one was there who I can take my anger out on unfortunately for me I soon came to the realization that I need a cold shower maybe it will help me calm down

I took the elevator to my room strip of my clothes and took a steam cold shower which causes my entire body to shiver from head to toe I got my night gown on and went to sit on my balcony admiring the stars and my backyard filled with a giant pool that have never been use and a beautiful view over New York

After about twenty min I decided to go to bed let's just say sleep didn't come easy to me tonight I was tossing and turning thinking of Rileey and her kiss and how badly I wanted her to kiss me again she technically was the first person to kiss me with tongue and so passionately

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